Daily Scans Below are the 2 most recent journal entries recorded in the "Daily Scans" journal:
August 9th, 2009
09:17 pm


Fantomah from Jungle Comics #7.
More insanity from Fletcher Hanks, this one featuring my favorite of his creations, Fantomah.

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when a flaming disembodied skull with blonde hair tells you not to do something, don't fucking do it )

(note to mods: the comic is in the public domain, so I'm posting the complete story.)

Current Mood: sleepy
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July 11th, 2009
12:55 pm


Mike Allred's "Stardust the Super-Wizard"
Since the rediscovery of Fletcher Hanks' work, there have been a couple of modern takes on his most famous creation, Stardust the Super-Wizard. Alan Moore didn't hold anything back when Stardust cameo'd in League of Extraordinary Gentleman. A different take on Stardust can be found in Fantastic Comics #24, part of the Next Issue Project put out by Image Comics, with art by Mike Allred. "A Stardust comic illustrated by the guy who did Madman? Awesome!" you may be thinking. Um. Well...

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We should have been grateful. We weren't. )

Current Mood: calm
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