The Marvel Family Status Quo (... perhaps)
As requested, the end of the Black Marvel storyline from JSA.
First, the last pages of #24 - Stargirl, powerless Billy and Black Mary duke it out while Jay Garrick runs into another dimension.
The seven Vital Virtues (not Cardinal virtues, mind, because that would include Piety, and as we all know, if you're going to adapt Christian mythology, it's essential that you only adapt the parts about evil and Hell) are the opposite number of the Deadly Sins, and the Rock of Finality would seem to be the opposite of the Rock of Eternity (what with good being imprisoned there instead of evil). The popular theory seems to be that this means Billy's dad took Jay to the CSA's world.
Anyway, Mr Batson brought Jay to the Rock to rescue the Wizard Shazam, currently doing time as a statue.
Meanwhile in Khandaq, the JSA is fighting Adam and Isis.
She turns on Al and the Khandaqi dogpiling him next, but Adam interposes himself to protect his people and friend.
More fighting follows, Mary and Billy (now sharing Adam's power as well) show up, and Al tries to beat reality into Adam's head.
Black Adam surrenders his power to save his love and kingdom, and the Wizard strips the remnants from Billy, Isis and Mary.
Al does some more emotastic narration over some generalized denouement, and then on the last page, we get this:
Speculate amongst yourself what that was all about. Personally, at this point I'm rather apathetic. My main interest in JSA right now is what Willingham's run will look like (not what will happen in it, mind, but what it will look like - apparently my fandom is no longer the DCU, but rather the DC company itself. Oh Didio and friends, what kooky adventures will you get up to next?).