Come over and sit on Santa's lap... - December 24th, 2007 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Come over and sit on Santa's lap...

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December 24th, 2007

Fic: Wizard Harry (Snarry) [Dec. 24th, 2007|01:03 am]


[Current Mood | anxious]
[Current Music |Santa's Lap Inspirational Playlist]

Title: Wizard Harry
Author: [info]shadowess
Pairing(s): Snarry (are you surprised?)
Rating: PG 13/R
Warnings (if any): Aside from chan (super chan Harry is 10y/o), Possessive Severus, dark themes implied.
Summary: Severus has been watching Harry; now it’s time to act.
Prompt: #90 Prior to getting his Hogwarts letter, Harry is kidnapped by someone with ulterior motives--they plan to raise him to obey only them.
Author Note (if any): This is my first attempt at a HP fic, a fest, as well as chan. I figured if I was going to jump into the fanfic side of HP then I should go whole hog.
As well, I tried really hard to do smut, but it just wouldn’t work…I’ll try harder next time.
Around 2,600 words. Ketsurui who is my love for doing a last-minute-holiday-amazing beta!

Chapter 1: In The Park )
Link3 people asked for holiday goodies|Sit on Santa's lap

Fic: Wizard Harry [Dec. 24th, 2007|01:08 am]


[Current Mood | accomplished]
[Current Music |Santa's Lap Inspirational Playlist]

Title: Wizard Harry
Author: [info]shadowess
Pairing(s): Snarry (are you surprised?)
Rating: PG 13/R
Warnings (if any): Aside from chan, Possessive Severus, dark themes implied.
Summary: Severus has been watching Harry; now it’s time to act.
Prompt: #90 Prior to getting his Hogwarts letter, Harry is kidnapped by someone with ulterior motives--they plan to raise him to obey only them.
Author Note (if any): This is my first attempt at a HP fic, a fest, as well as chan. I figured if I was going to jump into the fanfic side of HP then I should go whole hog.
As well, I tried really hard to do smut, but it just wouldn’t work…I’ll try harder next time.
Around 2,600 words. Ketsurui who is my love for doing a last-minute-holiday-amazing beta!

Chapter 2: No More Monkeys Jumping on the Bed  )
Link22 people asked for holiday goodies|Sit on Santa's lap

Fic: Sleep Aid (RL/RW) [Dec. 24th, 2007|10:46 am]
Title: Sleep Aid
Author: Turbosized
Pairing(s): RL/RW
Rating: R
Warnings (if any):Voyeur, dub-con
Summary: Snape watches Professor Lupin help Ron to relax
Prompt: Snape as a guilty voyeur watches surprising events unfold in the Hogwarts castle on one of his nightly rounds of Gryffindor-and-Potter-hunting...
Author Note (if any): My first chan - hope you enjoy

Read more... )
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Fic: Paedagogy (RL/HP) [Dec. 24th, 2007|06:24 pm]



Title: Paedagogy
Author: [info]snakeling
Pairing: Remus/Harry
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: chan [Harry's 13], snowballing, AU
Summary: Remus discovers the joys of teaching.
Prompt: #78 Harry wants extra lessons from Remus. Remus wants something else.
Author Note: Thanks to [info]gnomad to allow me to switch prompts when the first didn't want writing, and to [info]loupgarou1750 for beta and title. Any errors remaining are my own.

Paedagogy )
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