Come over and sit on Santa's lap... [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Come over and sit on Santa's lap...

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Hello, just wondering if it is still ok to post here? [Jun. 13th, 2012|10:33 pm]

[Current Mood | okay]

Dear Mods,

I am just wondering that if it is still ok to post my long over-due (Few year ago) Santa's lap entry at this year's winter holiday?

Thank you!
Link8 people asked for holiday goodies|Sit on Santa's lap

Master List [Dec. 26th, 2009|08:37 pm]

[Tags|, ]
[Current Mood | excited]

Thanks to our participants this year.

To those of you who have fics/art that didn't make the final day of posting, please still post it here either way. More chan is love.
Master List )
Link8 people asked for holiday goodies|Sit on Santa's lap

Last Day of Posting [Dec. 25th, 2009|02:39 pm]

[Current Mood | creative]

Merry Christmas! Today is the last day of posting for [info]santas_lap, so if you have a chan creation please share it with us all.

I'll be posting the Master List tomorrow.
LinkSit on Santa's lap

FIC: Candy From Strangers (Sirius/Neville) [Dec. 23rd, 2009|05:10 pm]

[Current Mood | cold]
[Current Music |You Really Got Me, Oingo Boingo]

Title: Candy From Strangers
Author: Amy/[info]swtalmnd
Pairing(s): Sirius/Neville
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 3861
Warnings (if any): chan (14), present tense, doggie erections
Summary: Sirius sees Neville studying out by the forest, and uses Padfoot to lure him into a friendship, and more.
Prompt: #21, Young Neville studies alone a lot, out in the comforting shadow of the Forest, and someone stumbles across him and takes advantage. Why yes, I am cheating and writing my own prompt. *cough*
Author Note: Thanks to [info]isidore13 for the kind beta, and to [info]shadowess, who gave me the idea of prompting my own fic in [info]santas_lap as a motivator to finish and post it.

Whenever Sirius sees the kid... )
Link10 people asked for holiday goodies|Sit on Santa's lap

One Week Left For Posting [Dec. 19th, 2009|12:40 am]

[Current Mood | crazy]

A friendly reminder that there is one week left for Posting your creations before the Master List goes up.
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Fic: Danger: Explosive! (Severus/Albus Severus) [Dec. 14th, 2009|06:36 pm]
*looks around* *dumps fic and runs off*

Title: Danger: Explosive!
Author: CiraArana
Prompt: #41 – Detention after potions, with Snape
Pairing: Albus Severus Potter/Severus Snape
Rating: NC17
Word count: 10,254
Warnings: chan (12), teacher/student with D/s undertones, frottage, spanking, dirty talk, and exploding cauldrons.
Disclaimer: All Harry Potter characters herein are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. I make no money with this story.
Summary: Giving a new twist to an old classic. Or: Harry engages Snape to teach Al how to stop exploding cauldrons.
Author’s Note: Probably the p0rniest thing I've ever written. And yes. Muse has a new OTPP = One True Porn Pairing. ;)

Danger: Explosive! )
Link11 people asked for holiday goodies|Sit on Santa's lap

Fic: Curiosity and the Kitten (Albus Severus/Severus) [Dec. 2nd, 2009|09:45 am]
[Current Mood | lazy]

Title: Curiosity and the Kitten
Author: CiraArana
Prompt: #11 – Albus Severus has just learned how to create his own Patronus. The trouble is, it keeps wanting to have sex with the Patronus belonging to a sexy older man and it's giving both of them ideas.
Pairing: Albus Severus Potter/Severus Snape
Rating: NC17
Word count: 6,300
Warnings: chan (13) and sex
Disclaimer: All Harry Potter characters herein are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. I make no money with this story.
Summary: If his Patronus can do it, so can Al.
Author’s Note: This is as close to PWP as I can get.

Curiosity and the Kitten )
Link11 people asked for holiday goodies|Sit on Santa's lap

FIC: Thicker Than Water (Snape/Harry) part 2/2 [Nov. 30th, 2009|04:38 pm]

[Current Mood | accomplished]
[Current Music |A Warning, Poxy Boggards]

Title: Thicker Than Water part 2/2
Author: Amy / [info]swtalmnd
Pairing: Snape/Harry
Word Count: 22,048
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: AU, chan (11), manipulation, mpreg, rimming, knickers, mischief & mush
Summary: Snape comes across Harry in a vulnerable moment, and devises a plan to tie Harry's loyalties to him.
Notes: For [info]accioslash -- we began this for the Sweet Charity auction, and when we both agreed it needed continuing, finished it for Live Long and Marry and saved posting for [info]santas_lap. Sorry I'm so slow!
Thanks: to [info]isidore13, [info]gnomad, [info]shadowess & [info]clauclauclaudia for the beta love. And extra thanks to [info]accioslash for her generous support and endless patience.

Part 1 of 2

Part 2 of 2 )
Link18 people asked for holiday goodies|Sit on Santa's lap

FIC: Thicker Than Water (Snape/Harry) part 1/2 [Nov. 30th, 2009|04:35 pm]

[Current Mood | accomplished]
[Current Music |A Warning, Poxy Boggards]

Title: Thicker Than Water part 1/2
Author: Amy / [info]swtalmnd
Pairing: Snape/Harry
Word Count: 22,048
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: AU, chan (11), manipulation, mpreg, rimming, knickers, mischief & mush
Summary: Snape comes across Harry in a vulnerable moment, and devises a plan to tie Harry's loyalties to him.
Notes: For [info]accioslash -- we began this for the Sweet Charity auction, and when we both agreed it needed continuing, finished it for Live Long and Marry and saved posting for [info]santas_lap. Sorry I'm so slow!
Thanks: to [info]isidore13, [info]gnomad, [info]shadowess & [info]clauclauclaudia for the beta love. And extra thanks to [info]accioslash for her generous support and endless patience.

Part 1 of 2 )

Part 2/2
LinkSit on Santa's lap

Posting Starts Today!!! [Nov. 30th, 2009|02:14 am]

[Current Mood | excited]

Yay it's time for Posting! So authors and artists you are free to post anytime between now and December 25th

So get us all warmed up here is a gift from [info]eriador117 who unfortunately couldn't participate this time around but wrote this amazing fic to make up for it. Thank you [info]eriador117!

Title: Educating Harry 1/1
Author: [info]eriador117
Pairing: Snape/Harry
Rating: Adult
A/N: A small gift For Shadowess to make up for not being able to do the santas_lap fest this year :)
Summary: Students are taught a different type of magic at Hogwarts.
Warnings: Chan, teacher/student, discussions of D/s.

Educating Harry )
Link5 people asked for holiday goodies|Sit on Santa's lap

Reminder: 2 Weeks Until Posting Starts [Nov. 16th, 2009|01:04 am]

[Current Mood | excited]

This is a friendly reminder that posting starts in 2 weeks, November 30th. Post continues the month of December until Dec 25th.

On Dec 26th, I will be posting the Master List.

Link1 person asked for holiday goodies|Sit on Santa's lap

3 Week Notice [Nov. 8th, 2009|12:51 am]

[Current Mood | creative]

A reminder that posting begins in a little over three weeks: November 30th & Prompts are Still Open for Claiming

Particpants are encouraged to pimp the fest far and wide and share the joy of chan! Participants are welcome to start posting their fics and art any time between November 30th - December 25th

Prompts open for claiming indefinitely if you can't find a prompt you like Holiday themed chan is also being accepted.

Check out our Awesome Prompts and Claim One Today!!!

Pimping Banners

2009 SANTAS LAP - Which boys have been naughty or nice?
Prompt Claims Open, Posting Starts November 30th

Smaller pimping banner/icon by [info]shadowess

2009 SANTAS LAP - Which boys have been naughty or nice?
Prompt Claims Open, Posting Starts November 30th

LinkSit on Santa's lap

Because More Chan is Love! [Oct. 25th, 2009|09:28 pm]

[Current Mood | crazy]

At the suggestion of [info]torino10154 to help increase the number of chan art and fic for the fest

'Oh BTW, if you don't see a prompt you like, why not just some delicious holiday themed chan? Nothing says Christmas like 14 year old Harry tied up underneath the Christmas tree!' ~[info]torino10154

So if you can't find a prompt from Our Awesome List, then please go ahead and draw or write a holiday themed piece. The more chan, the merrier.
Link3 people asked for holiday goodies|Sit on Santa's lap

Reminder and Notice: Posting and Sign ups [Oct. 25th, 2009|02:35 am]

[Current Mood | contemplative]

A reminder that posting begins in a little over a month: November 30th & Prompts are Still Open for Claiming

Particpants are encouraged to pimp the fest far and wide and share the joy of chan!

Due to low prompt claims, I've decided to leave prompts open for claiming indefinitely, because really, I want more chan! Even though the fest is small, any and all chan is welcome. So thank you to those of you who have already claimed prompts and I encourage you to pimp to help this fest grow!

Check out our Awesome Prompts and Claim One Today!!!

Pimping Banners

2009 SANTAS LAP - Which boys have been naughty or nice?
Prompt Suggestions start Sept 4, 2009

Smaller pimping banner/icon by [info]shadowess

2009 SANTAS LAP - Which boys have been naughty or nice?
Prompt Suggestions start Sept 4, 2009

Link6 people asked for holiday goodies|Sit on Santa's lap

Time to Claim your Prompts!!! [Sep. 27th, 2009|01:17 pm]

[Current Mood | contemplative]

Prompt Claims have been Extended!!!

Check out our Awesome Prompts and Claim One Today!!!

Due to low prompt claims, I've extended the date to October 5th. I may leave prompts open for claiming indefinitely, because really, I want more chan!

Please Pimp on your own journals and help [info]santas_lap spread the joy of chan!
LinkSit on Santa's lap

Prompt Claims Extended! [Sep. 19th, 2009|10:01 pm]

[Current Mood | calm]
[Current Music |"The Host of Seraphim" by Dead Can Dance]

Prompt Claims have been Extended!!!

Check out our Awesome Prompts and Claim One Today!!!

Due to low prompt claims, I've extended the date to October 5th. I may leave prompts open for claiming indefinitely, because really, I want more chan!

Please Pimp on your own journals and help [info]santas_lap spread the joy of chan!
LinkSit on Santa's lap

Prompt Claiming!!! [Sep. 11th, 2009|12:02 am]

[Current Mood | sleepy]

Time to Claim Your Prompts!

Below are the 51 prompts available for claiming. A few rules, however, before you begin:

  • To participate, please comment to this post with your desired prompt number and a statement stating you are over the age of 18. You must include an age statement. If you do not, your claim will not be counted and you'll not be allowed to participate.

  • There is a maximum limit of 2 participants per prompt. I will try to keep the list updated as much as possible; however, please check the comments before replying with your prompt choice to see if 2 people have already claimed your prompt.

  • Prompts will be open for claiming from now until September 18th (midnight EST). Extended: Open indefinably

  • You may claim your own suggested prompt if you'd like, but you're encouraged to choose something different.

  • If you wish to write multiple fics for the fest, please wait to claim your second prompt until after you've finished your first fic. Thanks!

Prompts )
Link17 people asked for holiday goodies|Sit on Santa's lap

Prompt Suggestions [Sep. 9th, 2009|12:26 pm]

[Current Mood | curious]

Reminder, tomorrow is the LAST Day to submit prompts for [info]santas_lap

So if you have an idea please post a prompt/scenario. Claims Post goes up Friday!

Go Suggest A Prompt
LinkSit on Santa's lap

Suggest a Prompt!!! [Sep. 4th, 2009|12:11 am]

[Current Mood | excited]

Prompt Suggestions are NOW CLOSED!

Do you have a slash chan bunny that you would love to see drawn or written? Well now is your chance to submit your prompt suggestions to [info]santas_lap

Please comment with a list of your prompt/scenario suggestions that you would like to tempt the participants with.

  • Anyone can submit prompts/scenarios

  • You don't have to participate in the fest to suggest a prompt (the more prompts the more the participants have to choose from!)

  • The prompts should be situations, scenes, or words that you think would be an interesting jumping off point for a participant to draw or write. They can include characters but they should not include pairings.

  • Feel free to make up to 5 suggestions.

The prompt suggestions will be open up until and including September 10th (around Midnight EST), at which point I'll compile all the responses for the claims post that will go up on September 11th.

Now let the bunnies loose!

And Please Pimp

Pimping!!! [Aug. 27th, 2009|12:14 am]

Thank you to [info]swtalmnd for letting me use her wonderful banner to help pimp [info]santas_lap

2009 SANTAS LAP - Which boys have been naughty or nice?
Prompt Suggestions start Sept 4, 2009

Smaller pimping banner/icon by [info]shadowess

2009 SANTAS LAP - Which boys have been naughty or nice?
Prompt Suggestions start Sept 4, 2009

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