Come over and sit on Santa's lap... - December 25th, 2007 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Come over and sit on Santa's lap...

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December 25th, 2007

Fic: From Ashes (SS/HP) [Dec. 25th, 2007|09:30 pm]
[Current Mood | accomplished]

Title: From Ashes
Author: [info]inoru_no_hoshi
Pairing: Severus/Harry
Rating: PG-13/R
Warnings: chan, bad pseudo medical jargon, massively AU.
Wordcount: ~5,110
Summary: An illness unique to Wizardkind renders Harry unto his Potions Professor's care.
Prompt: #62: Harry's magic binds him to an unlikely protector before/after CoS.
Notes: My initial idea was too cliche, and just did not want to fly. But then I got smacked with this idea, and it kinda grew. I don't think I did it justice, especially not the relationship development, but that's at least partially because I took my own sweet time writing it. :/ Oh well. I'm... not sure it fits the prompt terribly well, either, but... I tried. Someday I may come back to this and expand it; I do like my base premise. :)
Thanks to my friend, Robin, for being willing to emergency beta! Love you!

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