Come over and sit on Santa's lap... - December 23rd, 2007 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Come over and sit on Santa's lap...

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December 23rd, 2007

Fic: Entertaining Notions [Dec. 23rd, 2007|08:36 pm]


Title: Entertaining Notions
Author: [info]dementordelta
Pairing: Harry Potter/Severus Snape
Rating: R
Warnings: Silliness, fluff, abuse of canon.
Summary: Harry needs rather intensive lessons to bring him up to speed.
Prompt: #107: Harry as usual is a special case and he must be taught sex magic at Hogwarts. By whom and what do they teach him?
Author's Notes: About 5200 words, each and every one graciously beta-read by [info]cruisedirector

Entertaining Notions )
Link163 people asked for holiday goodies|Sit on Santa's lap

Reminder: Fest Closes in Two Days! [Dec. 23rd, 2007|08:40 pm]


[Current Mood |indescribable]

Just a reminder that you have two more days to post your work to the comm before the fest closes!

Late submissions will be accepted, but may not make it into the master list right away. I'll put the list up on December 26th, so be sure to post before then!
Link2 people asked for holiday goodies|Sit on Santa's lap

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