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Come over and sit on Santa's lap...

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2007 Santa's Lap Master List [Dec. 27th, 2007|12:53 am]

[Current Location |Home]
[Current Mood | tired]

First, I'd like to thank everyone who participated in this year's fest. I think we had a great showing for a first year!

There will probably be a few more stragglers popping up on the list, but I don't expect too many. If you see any fics I've left off or mistyped in some way, let me know so I can fix it.

2007 Santa's Lap Master List )
Link7 people asked for holiday goodies|Sit on Santa's lap

Reminder: Fest Closes in Two Days! [Dec. 23rd, 2007|08:40 pm]

[Current Mood |indescribable]

Just a reminder that you have two more days to post your work to the comm before the fest closes!

Late submissions will be accepted, but may not make it into the master list right away. I'll put the list up on December 26th, so be sure to post before then!
Link2 people asked for holiday goodies|Sit on Santa's lap

The Fest is Open!!! [Nov. 29th, 2007|10:04 pm]

[Current Location |Porn pod]
[Current Mood | chipper]

Good evening, everyone! *drum roll*

The Santa's Lap Fest is officially open!

The fest will run between now (November 30th) and December 25th, so feel free to post your fics or art at any point during that time.

The following are guidelines for posting your work to the fest comm. Please read 'em and follow 'em; it makes me a very, very happy mod.

  • Submissions must be posted on the community itself (no links to personal journals) and are exclusive to the community until the fest is complete and the master list is posted. Please don't post your submissions elsewhere on the internet until the fest is over!

  • In the subject line, please include whether your submission is fic or art, the title, and the pairing. For example: Fic: The Games We Play (SS/HP, SS/RL).

  • All fest submissions must be posted with the following header template:

    Warnings (if any):
    Author Note (if any):

  • A chan warning is assumed on all submissions throughout the fest, so you do not need to warn explicitly for it; however, you must still warn for anything else (e.g., non-con, abuse, character death, incest, etc.). Whited-out (i.e., 'highlight to show') warnings are fine if you would like to give readers the option of not looking.

  • All submissions should be cut tagged. Only the header should remain outside the cut tag. If you don't know how to do a cut tag, email me for help or read the instructions here.

  • Please turn off all weird Microsoft Word auto-format options. This includes Smart Quotes and automatic dash fixes. (Options to turn these off are in the Tools/AutoCorrect Options/Auto Format As You Type tab.) They play havoc on IJ posts and it's just cleaner to have them off.

  • Fics must be beta read. If you are having trouble finding a beta, please let the me know and I'll see what I can dig up.

If you have a long fic that is in need of off-comm hosting, it can be emailed to me via the mod account (santas.lap at and will be hosted on my website until the fest is over.

I'm happy to answer any questions you have. Contact me by email or here in the comments.
Link5 people asked for holiday goodies|Sit on Santa's lap

Reminder: Fest Opens in Two Weeks! [Nov. 16th, 2007|02:52 pm]

[Current Location |Work]
[Current Mood | busy]

Hiya! I'm sure you're all busy writing fantastic fics for the fest. I just wanted to remind you that posting begins in two weeks on November 30th. Participants can post their fics and art to the community any time between then and December 25th. If you're having any issues, please feel free to contact me at the comm email address: santas.lap at I will be away on vacation until Nov. 27th, but I'll still be occasionally checking email.
LinkSit on Santa's lap

Time to Claim Your Prompts! [Sep. 9th, 2007|07:48 pm]

[Current Location |Home]
[Current Mood | excited]
[Current Music |Who hoos!]

ETA: Sign ups Closed! Thanks!

Below are the 131 prompts available for claiming. A few rules, however, before you begin:

  • To participate, please comment to this post with your desired prompt number and a statement stating you are over the age of 18. You must include an age statement. If you do not, your claim will not be counted and you'll not be allowed to participate.

  • There is a maximum limit of 2 participants per prompt. I will try to keep the list updated as much as possible; however, please check the comments before replying with your prompt choice to see if 2 people have already claimed your prompt.

  • Prompts will be open for claiming from now until September 16th (midnight GMT).

  • You may claim your own suggested prompt if you'd like, but you're encouraged to choose something different.

  • ETA: If you wish to write multiple fics for the fest, please wait to claim your second prompt until after you've finished your first fic. Thanks!

Prompts Ahead! )
Link100 people asked for holiday goodies|Sit on Santa's lap

Reminder: Last Day to Submit Prompts! [Sep. 8th, 2007|11:16 pm]

[Current Mood | tired]

Just a quick reminder that this is the last day to submit your prompt suggestions! If you've been dithering about which prompts to suggest, now is the time to make that final decision.

The prompt poll will remain up until 10pm GMT, and I'll put a new post up at 12am GMT for participants to claim their prompts.
Link1 person asked for holiday goodies|Sit on Santa's lap

Pimpin' Santa's Lap Just Got Easier [Sep. 6th, 2007|02:24 am]

[Tags|, ]
[Current Location |Home]
[Current Mood | bouncy]
[Current Music |Queen-Another One Bites the Dust]

Santa's Lap Banner

The talented [info]swtalmnd graciously agreed to make a banner and header for [info]santas_lap, and the results are stunning! Check out the new community layout & our awesome banner above. Thank you again, [info]swtalmnd for all your hard work and the beautiful art!!!

Feel free to use the banner to pimp the comm far and wide!

Copy & paste to your own journal:
Link6 people asked for holiday goodies|Sit on Santa's lap

Suggest a Prompt! [Sep. 4th, 2007|10:41 am]

[Current Location |Work]
[Current Mood | cheerful]

Got a chan scenario you'd love to see written or drawn? Now's your chance to make it a part of [info]santas_lap! Below is a poll for suggesting prompts or scenarios that participants will choose from in the fest.

Anyone can submit prompts/scenarios! You don't have to participate in the fest in order to suggest a prompt. In fact, the more people who do so, the more diversity our participants will have to choose from, so tell friends! Pimp far and wide!

The prompts should be situations, scenes, or words that you think would be an interesting jumping off point for a participant. They can include characters but they should not include pairings.

Feel free to make up to 5 suggestions.

The suggestions poll will remain up until September 9th, at which point I'll compile all the responses for the claims post that will go up on September 10th.

ETA: Prompt suggestions finished! Thanks to everyone who suggested a prompt!
Link7 people asked for holiday goodies|Sit on Santa's lap

Fest Guidelines and Rules [Aug. 31st, 2007|09:54 pm]

[Current Location |Home]
[Current Mood | cheerful]

Welcome to [info]santas_lap!! This is a holiday fest specifically for HP chan slash.
If you're interested in participating in the fest, please read the community guidelines & rules.

Fest Guidelines and Rules Ahead )
If you have any other questions or concerns, you can comment here or email me at santas.lap at!

Your mod,

Ad Baculum
Link22 people asked for holiday goodies|Sit on Santa's lap

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