June 1st, 2010

[info]violentsoul in [info]salus_rpg

Who: Francis & Mikhael
Where: Lobby, Building C
When: June 1, night
What: Francis wants to talk, and it amuses Mikhael to pretend to listen.
Rating: ... PG-13 to be safe
Status: incomplete

Mikhael had no desire to meet with Francis more than was strictly necessary, even in the annoyingly confined spaces of this... place. The other vampire's very existence was an annoying irritant that he'd really rather do without. Still, he had nothing better to do right now, and it certainly wouldn't hurt anything, especially since they were meeting on Mikhael's territory.

So he'd thrown on a clean suite jacket, run a careless hand through his hair and ambled down to the lobby and arraigned himself on one of the couches from which he could watch the door but not be immediately seen by someone entering. He lounged back with artful casualness just as the main door opened and Francis entered.

"Good evening" he said, tone dripping sarcasm and a touch of boredom.