May 15th, 2010

[info]princelestat in [info]salus_rpg

Who: Lestat de Lioncourt and Aya Fujimiya
When: BACKDATED to May 7th
Where: Building B, mainly Aya's apartment
What: Stalking and annoying the pretty redhead.
Status: In progress
Rating/Warning: R

Eventually, it was all just too much for him. )

[info]lostsmileaya in [info]salus_rpg

Who: Aya Fujimiya and Yoji Kudou
What: Aww, the pretty assassins/flower boys reunite!
When: May 15, late morning
Where: The buffet to start, then probably off to the wooded area
Rating: ... I don't know. PG, at least as a starting place?
Status: Incomplete

Aya could get rather obsessed with things... )