Welcome to Hawthorne Hotel.

Salem, Massachusetts: a city once notorious for hunting witches is now controlled by them. The Hawthorne Coven is a powerful group of witches that live under the city. The Coven has time traveling power to drive more souls into the city for them to feed on. The more souls that arrive, the more powerful the coven becomes.

Nobody seems to know what the coven wants, only that they are subjected to their wild lapses of power and crazy experiments.


Posts Tagged: 'tiberius+blackthorn+%28allaboutbees%29'

Feb. 8th, 2017




Who: River and Tiberius
What: Searching for Koschei's Death
When: Bendytime during book plot
Where: Starting at Gulu Gulu then around Salem
Status: Thread | In Progress

And the Tsar of Life had hidden his death away in a place deeper than secrets, and more secret than depth. )

Jan. 1st, 2017




who ty and thea
what hiding
where the beach
when near dark
rating/status feels and open

Revolution from dissolution, hypnotizing and demoralizing Pressure of the future, too much for today )

Nov. 21st, 2016




who ty and sam
where some new crazy floor at the hotel
what horror plot! (is this an episode of Hellevator?)
when bendy times
rating um maybe intense?

This is all I ever asked from you The only thing you couldn't do Tell me the whole truth )

Nov. 17th, 2016




who ty and mark to start, maybe julian later
where cafe gulu gulu
what ty needs to figure some stuff out
when bendy times
rating/status low and on going

I was as pure as a river But now I think I'm possessed You put a fever inside me )

Oct. 20th, 2016




who ty and open
what studying bugs
where the park
when bendy times for daytime
rating/status tbd and on going

How can I make history, with your choreography? )

Sep. 23rd, 2016




Who Anselm and Ty
What Discussing fate
When The Afternoon
Where On the way to Gulu Gulu
Warnings Nah
Status On-going

empty a magazine you see my trigger finger im about to.. )

Aug. 8th, 2016




WHO Audrey Jensen and Tiberius Blackthorn
WHAT Figuring out what Audrey is
WHERE her room
WHEN this afternoon
WARNINGS None, probably

You won't cry for my absence, I know. You forgot me long ago )

Aug. 7th, 2016




who blackthorn brothers
what ty is suddenly a walking fire starter
where his room and then idk
when morning time, after he woke up
rating/status probs low/on going

We're volcanoes in the night, We're rolling like meteorites )

Aug. 3rd, 2016




who ty blackthorn and isaac lahey
what not getting hit on, aka books
where the tavern where isaac works
when around lunch time
rating/status probs low and on going

they didn't want me when i was running wild, dragons breathing fire )

Jul. 28th, 2016




Who Tessa & Ty
What Evading Training
Where Bookstore
When Backdated to earlier this week
Warnings Proper talk
Status Closed/On-Going

Funny thing about these metal dragons... )

Jul. 14th, 2016




who ty and magnus (possible open to others, just drop us a note first)
where gulu gulu
what adjusting, torturing sugar packets, being ty
when slightly before opening of the cafe
status/rating on going and pending

something has got to give, everyone here is ready to go )

Jul. 12th, 2016




who ty blackthorn and open
where park across from the hotel
when shortly after his arrival, so day time
what freaking out
status/rating finished/low

vanish into the night with me. )