Welcome to Hawthorne Hotel.

Salem, Massachusetts: a city once notorious for hunting witches is now controlled by them. The Hawthorne Coven is a powerful group of witches that live under the city. The Coven has time traveling power to drive more souls into the city for them to feed on. The more souls that arrive, the more powerful the coven becomes.

Nobody seems to know what the coven wants, only that they are subjected to their wild lapses of power and crazy experiments.


Posts Tagged: 'jenny+humphrey+%28queen_j%29'

Jan. 7th, 2017




Who: Malia, Derek and then Jenny
What: Jenny is possessed, Malia and Derek are gonna exorcise the demon.
When: After Jenny attacks the Hale household
Where: Jenny's to start
Warnings: It's gonna get ugggglay.

you have all the guns and you never put the safety on and you all have plans to take it, to take it, don't take it, take it, take it. )

Dec. 16th, 2016




Who: Hanna and Jenny
What: The Winter Fashion Show
When: Friday night
Warnings: Hanna sabotages Jenny's clothes :(

time, time, time see what's become of me. while i looked around for my possibilities, i was so hard to please.  )

Nov. 14th, 2016




Who: Cora & Jenny
What: Breaking out of supermoon lockdown
When: Tonight during the supermoon
Where: Streets of Salem first, then Crush
Warnings: Violence

My fingers claw your skin, try to tear my way in. You are the moon that breaks the night for which I have to howl )

Sep. 23rd, 2016




Who: Dan, Nate, Serena and Jenny
What: Dan tells Nate everything that happened and then the girls come over
When: Bendyish after Elena apologized
Where: Nate's apartment
Warnings: TBD

we don't believe what's on tv, because it's what we want to see. and what we want to know we can't believe, we have all learned to kill our dreams  )

Aug. 3rd, 2016




Who: Toph, Hope, and Jenny
What: Toph needs new clothes
When: Today
Where: Near Crush
Warnings: Likely none

Gotta make a move to a town that's right for me. Town to keep me movin', keep me groovin' with some energy. Well, I talk about it, talk about it. Talk about it, talk about it. Talk about, talk about, talk about movin'. )

Jul. 26th, 2016




Who: Cora & Jenny
What: Jenny needs a model and Cora just happens to be walking by
Where: Crush
When: Backdated to the night of Jenny's fashion show
Warnings: Nah.

Hmm, such a thing of wonder in this crowd. I'm a stranger in this town. You're free with me. And our eyes locked in downcast love. I sit here proud. )

Jul. 2nd, 2016




Who: Sage & Jenny
Where; Crush
When: Afternoonish/July 2nd
Why: Sage needs nice, new clothes
Rating: Not high.
Status: In Progress

clothes! )