Welcome to Hawthorne Hotel.

Salem, Massachusetts: a city once notorious for hunting witches is now controlled by them. The Hawthorne Coven is a powerful group of witches that live under the city. The Coven has time traveling power to drive more souls into the city for them to feed on. The more souls that arrive, the more powerful the coven becomes.

Nobody seems to know what the coven wants, only that they are subjected to their wild lapses of power and crazy experiments.


November 20th, 2016




Who: Rob and Cady
What: Horror Anthology: Satan needs to use and abuse Rob’s powers to talk to his daughter in Salem.
When: Bendy times
Where: Steve's Quality Market then Cady's apartment
Warnings: Probs

dreams aren't what they used to be. some things sat by so carelessly.  )




Who: Kol and Danny
What: Horror Anthology: Danny’s latest techno gadget has a mind of it’s own. Literally. And it’s trying to kill Kol.
When: Bendy - late night.
Where: On Kol's way home from work
Warnings: LMAO.

so i ran with the devil, left a trail of excuses. like a stone on the water, the elements decide my fate. watch it go 'bling.'  )




Who: Oliver and Laurel
What: Oliver goes to Laurel right after this nightmare
When: Bendy times
Where: Police Station
Warnings: Oliver is the comforting Queen King

Honey I love you, that's all she wrote. )




Who:Toph and Jewel
What: November plot!
When: Bendy time
Where: The Salem Woods
Warnings: Probably

Lyrics go here )




Who: Wanda and Victor
What: Horror Anthology: A mysterious ship docks and beckons you inside where ghosts and monsters await.
When: Tonight
Where: The boat yard
Warnings: Spooky skeletons~

Only if you steal my shadow, will you truly know. )




Who:Barry and Oliver
What:Meeting up!
When: recently
Where:Local pizza joint
STATUS: on going; log

he forced a smile to the crew who already knew him after less than a week and gave them a wave before sitting down at a table and waiting for company )




WHO Six and Aurora
WHAT Relaxing
WHERE Hotel lobby
WHEN Bendy Times
WARNINGS None anticipated

random encounters )