Welcome to Hawthorne Hotel.

Salem, Massachusetts: a city once notorious for hunting witches is now controlled by them. The Hawthorne Coven is a powerful group of witches that live under the city. The Coven has time traveling power to drive more souls into the city for them to feed on. The more souls that arrive, the more powerful the coven becomes.

Nobody seems to know what the coven wants, only that they are subjected to their wild lapses of power and crazy experiments.


November 14th, 2016




WHO: Steven Universe and Garnet
WHEN: nighttime
WHERE: 907
WHAT: Sleepover!
WARNINGS: pfft, no warnings.

you are what you love )




Who: Clark and Bart
When: Early evening
Where: Streets of Salem
What: Hero stuff
Rating: Mostly mild, could be language


Somebody save me )




Who: Cora & Jenny
What: Breaking out of supermoon lockdown
When: Tonight during the supermoon
Where: Streets of Salem first, then Crush
Warnings: Violence

My fingers claw your skin, try to tear my way in. You are the moon that breaks the night for which I have to howl )




WHO: Gert and Karolina
WHEN: afternoon, recently
WHERE: Arcade
WHAT: Hangin' out
WARNINGS: talk about character death

She's been everybody else's girl. Maybe one day she'll be her own )




WHO: Loki Laufeyson, Victor Mancha
WHEN: Tuesday 11/1
WHERE: Loki’s room
WHAT: Vegetables. (actually, there’s some ftb sex)
WARNINGS: … jollygreengiant (ho. ho. ho.) And sex.

What did you bring me? )




who tower of flower and princess powerful
what power display
where just outside the hotel
when bendy times
rating/status probs low and on going

We're running out of alibis From the second of May Reminds me of the summer time On this winter's day )


WHO: Harley and Deadpool
WHEN: bendytime, but in the DEAD of night ha ha ha
WHERE: a random gun store
WHAT: great minds think a like
WARNINGS: violence, guns, possibly Deadpool getting shot in the face

That girl thinks she's the queen of the neighborhood )




WHO: Gert and Chase
WHEN: around the time he arrives, but before the log with Karolina
WHERE: Gert's apartment
WHAT: apologizing for the future
WARNINGS: mention of character death

If I kissed your neck, would you slit my throat?  )