
Welcome to RPG-Connect! This community was designed as the middle ground for rpg advertising communities on insanejournal. When I was browsing IJ, I came across two types of ad communities: the over-restricted and the under-restricted. To me, most of the communities had lost it's personal touch with the roleplaying world. Here at RPG-Connect, our goal is to help quality players and games find one another. Are you looking for a home to place your character or find a person to fill your roleplaying needs? Do you want your game ad to reach the right kind of people? Look no further because you'll find that here.


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Posts Tagged: 'genre:+post+apocalyptic'

Jun. 14th, 2015


[No Subject]


On a normal Sunday morning the world changed. A major Solar Event sends waves of radiation through space towards Earth. Within minutes it strikes without warning. The sky, a rare but cheery blue over England's capital, is suddenly filled with white, blinding light. Radiation burns through every city and every town, every small settlement in it's path.

Nothing on the surface survives.

But down below, in the Underground, there are people. People who are hurt, people who are frightened, but they are alive. They may be grateful now, but this is only the beginning.

London Lost is a jam-jar apocalyptic/dystopian DW game set in modern London. There are few survivors here, confused and hungry and about to be joined by people from worlds unlike their own. The Solar Event has changed things, has changed the fabric of the Universe and of Space and Time, pulling through visitors from other Realities, other parallel Earths and even further afield. Can your character lead these people to a new bright future, or are the just delaying the inevitable?

Join Us at the Test Drive Meme or Reserve a Character!

Premise // FAQs // Rules // Applications // IC Journal // OOC Journal

May. 17th, 2015



Amor Fati


A hundred and eighty years ago, all that once was, was lost. Only a sliver of humanity and the others that inhabited our world managed to survive. Sickness came as swiftly as the bullets and bombs that started the quick downfall, wiping out whole communities, cities, sometimes even small nations.

History went dark. No one is truly sure as to who started it or why and truth be told it doesn't matter anymore. What matters is restoring what we had lost. Most people these days have settled down. Their ancestors took over old cities, remote villages, rebuilt what was lost in the war the best they could with what little they had. There are those who don't even settle down because generations were brought up wandering and raiding, and it no longer feels right to stay rooted to one spot to them. This meager way of living isn't enough; just surviving isn't enough but there are those who think bringing back all the technology and knowledge we lost will only lead to the true end and they are violent in trying to prevent it from happening. They have burned libraries, whole towns and parts of cities to the ground for the sake of ignorance.

You could say we're not quite there yet. Civilization is a dream not entirely realised, and what little tech we have feels stone aged compared to the stories we were told of what was.

Things are changing, slowly, yet it's still a harsh world to live in and death lingers at every corner in the guise of so many things that had once been fixed.

  • Panfandom & Original Characters are both equally welcomed!
  • Likewise magical and non human characters are fine.
  • Fairly new, opened 13th of March 2015.
  • Applications and reserves are always open.
  • A mixture of overarching plot and chose your own adventure(s).
  • Set in a post apocalyptic future AU of Earth in the year 2389.


Apr. 30th, 2015



[No Subject]



Nuclear war destroyed the world 97 years ago. 12 nations sent people into space. They have returned, and somehow managed to open a rift in space and time, allowing others to find their way to the radiation soaked world that awaits on the ground. Do you have what it takes to survive? Join [info]dropship, a pan-fandom RPG, and find out!

You are not alone.
Premise // Rules // FAQs // Taken // Holds // Apply

Apr. 22nd, 2015



Twisted Island

Twisted Island

The playground of the forgotten goddess.

Toto, this doesn't quite seem like Kansas anymore. The island is far from the world you remember. This isn't your home, this isn't even Earth from as far as you can tell. But why? How did you get here? It seems the whims of an unknown and forgotten goddess has decided to make you her plaything, dragging you from your world and timeline and placing you on an inescapable island. Welcome to Twisted Island, where anything can happen and it usually does.

The island changes with the mood of the goddess. It’s her playground and you are one of the very many toys in it. But you’re not alone. There are others stuck on the island just like you and if you’re lucky the goddess didn't just steal you away, but friends and family you know as well. Best idea though? Make friends, powerful friends. Make sure there are people to watch your back because when the island starts to change, you're going to need every little bit of help you can get.

Will you survive, or will you give up and break under the pressure? Apply and become one of the many playthings that the goddess loves to toy with on Twisted Island. Only canon characters are allowed. The game will start May 10, 2015. Go check out the Wanted Characters or Holds page and get your application in!

Game will start on May 10th. APPLY TODAY.

[info]twistedlandmods | [info]twistedlandrp | [info]twistedlandooc
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Mar. 13th, 2015



Amor Fati | Brand New! | Post Apoc


Set in what once was northern Italy, Armor Fati is a pan-fandom and original character friendly game set in an alternate universe to our own. The year is 2389, about 180 years ago there was a great war; bombs fell, sickness and destruction followed and the population dwindled to about a tenth of what it once was. Society and civilizations at large became as mythical and impossible to find as Atlantis.

With society and all sense of order gone, those who weren't lucky enough to survive in bunkers and other safe zones were forced to fight for the most meager of lifestyles. Whole families died, cities were turned to ash and if you weren't willing to be the predator, you swiftly became the prey.

All these years later, society and order still teeter on the brink. Over time people settled down, learned how to hunt, how to farm and build their own shelters and survive. In some places, cities have been rebuilt or reclaimed, libraries have been built back up to try and remember and rebuild all that was lost. City states and small nations dot the land, and some clans chose to wander; to raid and pillage and take from those who are weaker from them.

As ever, war lingers, disease, hunger. Most cities are one crop failure or bad strain of the flu from risking all the progress they have made and the people who are making it.



Jan. 11th, 2015



[No Subject]



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What if the Mayans weren’t entirely wrong?
What if the way the world worked as we knew it ended?
What if we were powerless to stop it?

On the 21st December 2012, a massive electromagnetic pulse tore through the worlds electrical systems, brought on by a huge solar flare.

The disruption was instant. Power and communication systems shut down. Planes plunged from the sky, trains derailed and hospital equipment failed, resulting in the deaths of many. Others left stranded and trapped without any way to call for help. Along with many people injured by power surges and gas explosions. The banks crashed and people soon turned to looting and rioting.

The world was plunged into darkness and chaos, and uprisings and lawlessness rock this now dark new world.

Three years have passed, the world has torn itself apart, with billions dying and systems of government and law and order broken, a part of memory. But the world lurches on, and in one part of North America, a new community is rising... and fighting.

This community of once floating refugees now live without electricity. They are getting by in ways that had become close to obsolete in the pre-blackout world, farming, bartering, trading and living in manageable tribal groups, plagued by hunger, bandits, religious zealots and illnesses, as well as the more mundane issues of finding your place, falling in love and generally getting by.


‘Stone Gap’ is an original character game set in a dystopian world where characters live within Tribes in Stone Gap, Oregon - born out of the ruins of a place once called Cascade Locks.

As it has only been three years since the Pulse, everything is still pretty unstable and fractured - the world as well as the people. The tribes of Stone Gap have an understanding with each other but hackles can easily rise as they work to rebuild and establish their own territories.

If this type of game appeals to you then please read the relevant information and join us!

If you have any questions feel free to contact us: or leave a message in the Dropbox

~OPENING 17th JANUARY~ Join today>>>>>

Sep. 9th, 2014



Fade Away: A Post Apocalyptic Storyline


We thought that the end of the world was the worst thing we could live through. We were wrong.

250 years ago, society collapsed in fire. Nuclear missiles rained down on cities, soldiers fought in the streets. Bombs and terrorists and disease ran rampant, leaving the former world in ruins. Entire countries vanished overnight, while others limped into a slow death, and began to fade away.

Small bands of survivors tried to make it work among the devastation, but few made it, succumbing to fallout, radiation, the remnants of plagues or the reavers of the new world. Eventually, even they went quiet.

Some saw the end coming before it did, and prepared. They went into shelters, deep in the ground, only emerging when it seemed safe. But their supplies couldn't last. When they came into the world, they took over the ruins of London, now known as the Hollow, building walls thirty feet high and creating a new society.

Life was hard in the new world, though. Our technology was primitive, scavenged and bolted together from the last advances before the Earth ceased to be. Food didn't grow, plant life was scarce. Even the sky was tainted by what had come before it, the rain now burning what it landed on, the wind carrying viruses we'd never seen before.

The only way to manage the city, which as far as they knew was the only bastion of civilisation left, was control. Thus, the new society fragmented into component parts, each working towards a common goal. The Rangers would be repsonsible for going outside of the Wall, searching for food, technology, anything to help us survive, and for charting the bizarre new life developing n the wasteland. The Guilds would manage the industrial, agricultural and commercial life in the city. The Sages would maintain the knowledge of the city, and see to the health of its citizens. The Justicars would enforce order among the populace, and the Divine, always there even in the darkest hours, would see to the spiritual needs of the people. A governing council drawn from all parts of the city would oversee its civil operation.

The city has been here for over 100 years now, and we are the next generation. We're free within the bounds of the Hollow, but we all have to follow the rules. Otherwise, we're cast out, and become the Forgotten, exiles doomed to a short, brutish life beyond the safety of the Hollow. For many, there is nothing beyond the walls.

For others, we wonder if there could be something more.
Fade Away is a play-by-journal role-playing game. Players take on the role of a character and interact with other players through creative writing, or role playing, of various scenarios. Posts can be written in a solo, bilateral or group fashion. The genre of Fade Away is, broadly speaking, science fiction, with a heavy post-apocalyptic bent.