
Welcome to RPG-Connect! This community was designed as the middle ground for rpg advertising communities on insanejournal. When I was browsing IJ, I came across two types of ad communities: the over-restricted and the under-restricted. To me, most of the communities had lost it's personal touch with the roleplaying world. Here at RPG-Connect, our goal is to help quality players and games find one another. Are you looking for a home to place your character or find a person to fill your roleplaying needs? Do you want your game ad to reach the right kind of people? Look no further because you'll find that here.


game review
affiliation request


June 2024


July 7th, 2016






Let's be honest, there will always be someone looking for others to do the dirty jobs. We leave the trash pick up to the garbage men, the duties of the toilet and anything under the sink to the plumbers. Things that go bump under our homes and in our attics. To those that fix our hot water heaters, our air conditioners, spray for ants, roaches, termites, and so on we leave it to the professionals. Hoping and praying that no matter what the exorbitant price we'll never have to deal with it ourselves. The very thought makes us turn our noses up in disgust. Admit it. Corporate, government... hell the matters between men and women even. These things are no different. If you have money and you're willing to spend it, you'll likely pay anything to get the job you want done, done. Won't you? With the knowledge that you'll never have to see it coming. Never have to know who did it. Never have to be apart of any of it's messy setup, layout, or cleanup. You'll just get a call when everything is finished. Pay the nice people for their services and go on about your business as usual.

That's how the world is used to functioning after all, isn't it?

Suffice to say that's the purpose of OMEGA AGENCY. It would be to simple to call our agents killers for hire. Any idiot on craigslist could do that. Likely, and with all eventuality they'd be caught and show up on an episode of The First 48. Our team is elite, professional, merciless...

If you measure up to our standards, you will be welcomed into a world well beyond the veil. One outside convention, rule, order, and perhaps branding it's own particular vision of chaos. We are our own governing body, maintained by rules dictated by those who pay the largest sum. Suitably labeled mercenaries. We ask only the questions we want to know the answers to, nothing further, and answer only the questions that need be asked. Dependent upon our positions a life of commonality may or may not be fitting for an operative during our off hours. Otherwise operatives will always be on call. There is, of course, no rest for the truly wicked.

In a world such as the one in which we live, people such as us, the whispers, who can appear and disappear without so much as a trace... may be even more necessary than one may assume. We are not just highly paid gunmen. Nor are we simply officials trained and paid within any bureaucratic capacity. We don't just pick off your pesky spouse in his or her sleep because they've been messing around with your brother and his wife. No. We take down governments if need be. The risk is high, and the price is steep. Don't seek us out if you aren't willing to pay.

Still interested? No worries. We've got our eyes on you.


OMEGA is an original character, modern Spy themed group GPSL set in an undisclosed location in Lower London.

*DISCLAIMER; The theme of this community is based on it's predecessor of the same name, hailing from the once great In no way are we taking credit for the original concept.