RP Talk: Mature discussion about RP [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
RP Talk: Mature discussion about RP

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18. [Aug. 2nd, 2009|12:39 pm]

To OOC, or not to OOC. Do you regularly talk OOC with and get to know your fellow RPers? Why or why not? Discuss.
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17. [Jul. 13th, 2009|08:21 am]

OK, here it is. The Big Mod Question. What are the suggestions YOU have for the game mods out there? What are the things that annoy and upset you about games today? What suggestions do you have for game mods for keeping a game running smoother? What are mods doing or not doing that you think needs to change? Feedback is always a good thing. Remember though, no naming names and let's keep specific game names out as well. Discuss!
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16. [Jul. 13th, 2009|07:58 am]

Everyone deals with the dreaded Real Life. It's a sad fact of Roleplay and sometimes causes us to have to take breaks every now and then. How long are you willing to keep playing in a SL while your writing partner is on "hiatus" and at what point do you start looking for a new SL? If it's you, are you likely to cling to the SL, or will you give it up so the other player can move on? If you've lost a writing partner, will you just start over with your character, or find someone to fill the same role for you? Discuss!

Also, talkers, don't forget we want your question ideas as well! Comment the screened post HERE and let us know what YOU want to know! Pass the comm name around to your friends, too. The more the merrier!

15. [Jun. 27th, 2009|10:18 pm]

How do you feel about players who assume that time is passing in 100% real time with no flexibility for your Real Life, thus putting your character in a position where he/she has missed out on something/not done something/done something/otherwise missed the boat when you are offline or away, and before ever discussing/plannnig around these events with you? Do you consider this to be a form of godmodding? Discuss!
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14. [Jun. 27th, 2009|10:14 pm]

How much is enough when writing your RP replies? How much is too much? We've all seen the complaints for both. What do you like to see in a decent RP response? Also, while we're on the topic, how do you handle/interpret introspective character "thoughts" in your responses? Discuss.
link3 are talking|talk!

13. [Jun. 8th, 2009|09:54 pm]

In regard to player conflict: What happens when you have a great storyline that you love to death, but you and the other player can't stand each other? How far are you willing to go to keep a great storyline going, and when is enough, enough? Discuss!
link4 are talking|talk!

12. [May. 31st, 2009|10:06 am]

OPEN POST! Since we weren't around last weekend, you get a bonus this weekend. Here's your chance. What do you want to say about RP? What's on your mind right now? What little thing is bothering you, or has you curious? Share with us!
link6 are talking|talk!

11. [May. 31st, 2009|09:48 am]

The big slash question. Do you slash? Why/why not? Why do you think slash is so popular? This goes for femmeslash, too.
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10. [May. 17th, 2009|09:20 am]

Canon. Celeb or fandom, there is a certain amount of 'canon' involved in accurately portraying a character. However, for the sake of gameplay and plot, we all change things, too. How closely do you like to stick to canon, whether it's someone's celeb life or someone else's charater's life? What ways do you think are acceptible in straying from your character's 'canon', and what things do you find to be completely out-of-character? Discuss.
link3 are talking|talk!

9. [May. 9th, 2009|06:50 am]

Since this kind of RP is based mostly on writing, how badly are you affected by poor punctuation/poor grammar? Can you let it slide? Or do replies with obviously incorrect punctuation just grate on your nerves? Would you quit a SL because of it? Discuss!

Also, we'd like to know what you want to know! Suggest a topic to us, talkers! Leave a screened, anon comment HERE!
link8 are talking|talk!

8. [May. 1st, 2009|07:12 am]

Do you play your characters as being sick/tired/sad/enter condition here when you are? Apparently most player do this to some extent, so do you? And to what extent? Do you think this is more okay for a PB role than a celeb one? Okay in either case, within reason? Or just not okay at all, and feel that it's blurring that old IC/OOC line just to add a little spice to a role? And what about those characters who, like their players, have some new sickness happening every day? Please discuss!
link3 are talking|talk!

7. [Apr. 24th, 2009|07:56 pm]

What are your thoughts on the idea of character 'muses' being the inspiration for roleplay (or fiction or anything else based around characters)? Do you have 'muses'? Tell us about them and how they work for you.
link2 are talking|talk!

6. [Apr. 24th, 2009|07:53 pm]

Roleplay on cellphones. No Thanks or Who Cares? Let's hear from both sides, cell phone roleplayers and those who only rp on an actual computer, please. Discuss!
link11 are talking|talk!

5. [Apr. 24th, 2009|07:46 pm]

What are your feelings about characters/players who say they can't seem to get interaction in communities? The people who say that no matter how hard they try, nobody talks to them? Surely we've all been there once or twice. Got any good advice?
link7 are talking|talk!

4. [Apr. 19th, 2009|01:52 pm]

How do you feel about using Twitter to track your celebs for RP purposes? Is it "research" or creepy? Do tell!
link6 are talking|talk!

3. The first hot topic of debate? [Apr. 19th, 2009|11:56 am]

So what, exactly, is going on with those "eyebrow cut" icons? And what about the increasing claims and vents that applicants are being rejected because they don't have them? What does it all mean?

Discuss. Be nice. Have at it...
link9 are talking|talk!

2. [Apr. 19th, 2009|09:18 am]

For the writers out there, do you think roleplaying has helped, or hindered, your ability to write (as in short stories, novels, etc... other than storybook-style rp). Please share.
link6 are talking|talk!

1. An ice-breaker to kick things off... [Apr. 18th, 2009|10:19 am]

So... who are you? No, no... no names please, but who are you in regard to RP here on IJ (or on other servers like it)? How did you get into this type of roleplaying, and how long have you been playing? C'mon. Don't be shy, now. Feel free to discuss in the comments.
link6 are talking|talk!

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