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Tuesday, September 7th, 2010

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    Grave Comfort is a supernaturally themed original character role-playing game set in a fictitious small town known as Comfort, Virginia. Established in 1763, Comfort has a rich history going back to the original colonies of America. In the present day, it is famous for the strange goings-on that happen throughout the town: mysterious lights over the woods, a haunted former prison for the criminally insane, haunted train tracks, the remains of a 19th century cult that ended in mass murder...there was even a cult slasher film series based on the town's supernatural history that has spawned an annual horror film festival. Typical tourist attractions can be found in town too, from tours on the Buckley Plantation or at the Thorpe winery to visits to the Historical Society's Museum or one of the many art galleries in town. Come to Comfort for its attractions, stay to experience its oddities.

    Welcome to Comfort!


    Generation Boomer



    A Next-Generation HP Game

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    They called the generation following the Second World War: The Baby Boomers. They were supposed to make the world a better place, and free from tyranny. However, like most things in this world no matter how hard you try, bad things happen. The Second War came and went, destroying just about everything in its path. Heroes rose, villains fell, sacrifices were made in the name of justice. Following the fall of the Dark Lord, and the Second War it was only natural that the trend from the past continue. Those who had survived carried on, to pass the torch down to their children, a new generation that seemed to spring out of the ashes.

    This new generation, the Boomer Generation as they're now being called, was raised with the hope that they'd be able to create a new world, a better one, one that wouldn't fail into the habits of their parents generation. However, this can be said for both sides. For the children of the defeated have been growing with their own ideas to correct their sides own flaws, becoming more powerful everyday and the time is growing closer to unleashing their plan on the world...

    Now Open! A ton of characters still available!

    Welcome to Harmony

    And in our bones, in our heads, we can't escape it anymore

    Harmony - a city of perfection falling apart at the seams. What began as a complex social experiment is descending into chaos with the death of its ringleader, leaving too many factions vying for control over things they do not fully understand.

    At its core lies a sentient city, breathing and watching and waiting, located at a crossroads in the universe. Creatures from all known worlds rub shoulders in the streets, having been initially attracted to the outward simplicity of life Harmony offers, and the city sends out tendrils of its awareness to help its citizens tolerate the occasional magical malfunctions that occur due to its location in the multiverse.

    Because you see, Harmony likes you, and wants you to stay.


    It's all about the break down, and baby, we're breaking down piece by piece

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