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Sunday, May 16th, 2010

    Time Event
    Breaking Point

    Breaking Point

    The RPG



    Plot & Premise
    Cast &

    Game Canon

    The Premise

    Werewolf attacks have become the stuff of everyday life for much of Wizarding Britain, an ancient spell cast by Slytherin himself is bringing the dead back to life, and a certain Dark Lord seems intent on conquering the world again... Harry Potter, the Head of the Aurors, has his Department fighting back with around the clock patrols and Hit Wizards are busier than ever before, but even with extra security, is the world safe?

    How long will the tension build? How much can those who saved the world take? How far can the wizarding world be pushed before it reaches its breaking point?


    *Plot Focused
    *OC friendly
    *Tons of characters to interact with
    *Plots taking place inside and outside of Hogwarts, for students and adults

    Game Began July 1, 2009.

    The Greeks: A Greek Gods Royalty Game

    You think you know a story, but you only know how it ends.
    To get to the heart of the story, you have to go back to the beginning...


    The Greek gods were known to meddle in the lives of mortals. They had scandalous affairs, unleashed curses, and orchestrated wars that decimated populations.

    But what happened before that?

    Hesiod speaks of the beginnings of the Greek pantheon, the start of the reign of the Olympians. The sons of Cronus drew lots to divide the cosmos, and each established his reign over a third of the world. Zeus had two wives before Hera, and numerous liaisons that were soon over. What happened to Metis? And Themis? What of Mnemosyne, and Eurynome, and Demeter? What led Poseidon to take the Sea Goddess Amphitrite to wife? And how did Persephone catch Hades' eye?

    Well, we are about to find out...


    stakes & fangs ; a buffy/vampire diaries crossover rpg

    [info]stakemods ! [info]stakesandfangs ! [info]thegrill

    Welcome to Mystic Falls, otherwise known as The Hellmouth.

    In every generation, there is a chosen one. One girl in all the world with the strength and skill to hunt the vampires - and the vampires have come back to our little town. Wrapped in a dark secret born of blood, pain, lust, and desire, Mystic Falls attracts all sorts of demonic entities. For over a hundred years, the hellmouth has been dormant. With the arrival of a young girl, the Slayer, and a pair of vampire brothers, everything has changed.

    STAKES & FANGS is a crossover RPG based on the first season of The Vampire Diaries and the first three seasons of Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

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