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Monday, May 17th, 2010

    Time Event
    From the Fire RP
    The world has ended. Where will your story begin?

    RP looking for new applicants.

    Application is Here
    Taken Characters and Screen Names

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    Bellum Letale
    Apartments For Rent
    VACANT. A single father of a three-year-old, Hidalgo is woken nightly by nightmares of his ex-wife killing their child, and he's been hearing weeping regularly since he cheated on Maria three years ago with Esmeralda. He blames his problems on his guilt and the stress of raising a child alone, and he's hoping moving to Bellum will help him to leave that guilt behind.

    VACANT. Born to a perfectly normal, middle class family, The True Prince was a much anticipated firstborn son. Due to a mix up at the hospital, however, he was sent home with a family that made their living swindling adoptive parents and hailed from a long line of criminals. He remained with them until he was recognized on the street and returned home to his birth parents. He couldn't adjust, however, since he missed his other family and his life of crime. Now, a grown man, he has a rap sheet a mile long. He is one of The Cheshire Cat's criminal informants, but pretty soon The True Prince is going to dig himself into a hole too deep for recovery.


    There is an apartment building in New York called 'Bellum Letale.' Most people ignore its auspicious name, though they would be advised to pay more attention to its meaning.

    It is a strange building.

    Every man, woman and child in the building is a reincarnated fable, the stories told to human children for hundreds, sometimes thousands of years. Once very real, the fables began to fade as science and reason dispelled the probability of their existence. They have all been reborn in human forms, though their essence remains, waiting to be awakened at the right time, in the right place.

    Now is the time - Bellum Letale is the place. As their lives connect and weave together, as they follow their petty desires and long-held grudges, they are, all of them, on the brink of disaster. Their Landlord knows their every move, and the building they live in seems to have an agenda of its own. People are tortured, people die, people plot behind each other's backs and sneak around and cheat. They love, they fight, they draw blood. This is not the fairy tale you remember being told.


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