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[June 8th, 2010]

Please update your friendlist via the friendlist builder here as well as your buddylists (if you need to). Our Angel is gone, and he is now up for grabs, so if any of you would like to take your hands on the vampire with a soul, then please! By all means, have at it.

modly announcements [June 8th, 2010]

Ladies and gentlemen!

First off, apologies are in order. For the past couple of days, I've been pretty much netless. So, I apologize for disappearing at the most inopportune time! My net just cake back on Monday.

Second, I've noticed that there's been a lack of activity which, complicated with the end of the school year, I completely understand. The end of May/Beginning of June is kind of an intense time for people. So! Here's what I'm going to do - after accepting our new Stefan application - I'm going to set up a First Day of School post, which will promote character interaction among the different characters.

Sorry again for going M.I.A., the net situation got kind of out of control. <3. Please forgive?

[May 29th, 2010]

Hi everyone! I'm sorry this is late but I was working on another app so I thought I'd intro them together.

So here I have Miss Caroline. She's a vapid, self-centered, shallow bitch and Elena and Bonnie's other best friend (though she considers herself closer to Bonnie than Elena for the rivalry thing that Caroline has declared on her and Elena.) I've never actually played Caroline before, so I really look forward to playing her.

My other character is the lovely Jenna Sommers [info]hypocritepatrol who is still pending an add to the ooc community. Jenna is still trying to figure out the whole parenting thing and not doing too good of a job at it. But she's trying!

My intros suck, so I apologize, but my girls are both up for any plot.

Also--sorry that I haven't been around to respond to the ooc comments I have sitting in my inbox either. This week has been a tad stressful for me ooc-wise so I'm doing what I can, but I look forward to playing here and will get to the ooc plotting stuff soon!

I can be found on aim at Lily C Humphrey or reached by email at
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[May 28th, 2010]

Hi guys!

I'm Christie, and I'm going to be picking up Giles here! ♥. Giles enjoys books, tweed, and weaponry. His turnoffs include apocalypses, cell phones, and late fees. Anyway, I'm horridly awkward at these things, but! We all know Giles. He's awesome too British to function. And he's looking for plotlines!

I can be reached here, or on AIM at necessarypapers or at my cdj ([info]eyeball_tree). But, I'd love to get to meet you all! Hi! Also, sorry this was short, I was rushing out last night.

Also if anyone wants to pick up a certain technopagan or chaos-worshipping madman, I'd love you forever.
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[May 28th, 2010]

Game is officially open! Open threads, closed threads, narratives, journal entries -- Go wild! There will be a few more plot narratives from NPCs in the next couple of days, too, so keep a look out for that!

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