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Saturday, October 3rd, 2009

    Time Event
    [greek swim] too much sexy!

    An Adult Greek Gods RPG set in Present Day.
    With opportunities for character development and playing out your favorite myths.

    The greek gods are living among us. Where are they now, and why are they here? Find out, at [greek swim]...

    [wanted] fresh for you!
    ARES, APHRODITE, ATHENA, and ZEUS (your wife NEEDS you!)!!!

    ( click here for more information )

    [greek swim communities] powered by clown tears! ...just kidding!
    Game Information | In Character Community | Out of Character Community | Myth and Past Community | Moderator Journal | NPCs Account

    [about] just like your mother, only better
    [greek swim] is different. We're a small community by adults, for adults, with a dark plot planned, but fear not! We're not all ho-hum-glum! We're serving up humor in copious quantities, featuring friendly players, available and open-to-suggestions moderators, and just looking to get you some good times! Well, if you're one of our players, that is... We're a small group, aimed at development, so your characters won't disappear in the midst of a huge game. So come on, take a look! It's TAPAS FOR YOUR SOUL!
    The RPG




    Most Needed Characters

    IT WAS a nice fall day in August when an owl came fluttering through an open window and into the home of Harry and Ginny Potter. The message was of a confusing nature, announcing an alumni celebration for Harry's graduating class. Their presence was requested back at Hogwarts, saying they were to be accompanied by the surviving staff from their year. Intrigued, Ginny quickly sent an owl to Hermione, cementing her suspicions that it wasn't just a rouse to get Harry out in the open. It seems as though there were invitations going out to everyone in their class. After much convincing, Harry finally caved and agreed to attend the celebration with his wife.

    On the night of the ball, everyone arrived at Hogwarts with high expectations. Getting to reconnect with old friends and Ron Weasley was even enjoying the thought of getting in a good tussle with Draco Malfoy now that he could swing a good punch or two. The Great Hall was decorated for a beautiful occasion, and all the girls who arrived were in awe. They mingled for a while, thinking it odd that none of the staff were there before them. It was only once the former faculty arrived, looking rather lost and confused, themselves that confusion and worry began to arise. However, they weren't left much time to panic. The minute Minerva McGonagall set foot in the room, being the last of the staff to arrive, the doors slammed shut, locking them all inside. With a large whirl, they were drawn from the time, itself.

    Landing in a grimy street seconds later, many of the former students wretched on the pavement after the violent travel. Looking around, they found themselves face-to-face with an unfamiliar world. What stood before them, looming like a lion about to feast, stood Britain. It was in ruins. There were scarce buildings to be seen and most of the streets seemed to be doused in blood. Scared and suddenly alone, the group trudged on to see what horror awaited them.

    GAME BEGAN ON AUGUST 23RD. Join the fun!

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    Game Information
    Ministry of Magic
    The Undead
    The Horcruxes
    Identification Cards

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    Wanted Characters Include...

    James Potter, Severus Snape, Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy, George Weasley, Walden Macnair, Ted Tonks, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Dennis Creevey, Fleur Delacour, Cho Chang, Oliver Wood, Daphne Greengrass, Tracey Davis, Neville Longbottom, Hannah Abbot, Alecto and Amycus Carrow, Alaster Moody, Peter Pettigrew and original characters!


    The 1996-1997 school year ended with the death of Albus Dumbledore, but while he and Harry were uncovering the truth behind Lord Voldemort's immortality Lord Voldemort was himself in the final stages of a plan that would bring him that much closer to everlasting life.... To take over the Ministry of Magic. Break into the Department of Mysteries. And solve the mystery of the Veil -- the doorway between life and death.

    On 1 August 1997, a battle raged inside the Ministry as Death Eaters fought Aurors and Ministry officials for the control of the Ministry for Magic -- and the control of Wizarding England. The Order of the Phoenix found out hours too late, and by that time, Voldemort had won.

    The next day, the Daily Prophet announced that Lord Voldemort had declared himself Minister of Magic. The reaction was immediate, as countless witches and wizards fled the country. They, as the remaining magical population would soon discover, were the lucky ones. While St. Mungo's remains neutral and Gringotts Bank has taken a violently oppositional stance, the remaining wizarding institutions, including Hogwarts, have no choice but to go along with the Dark Lord's demands.

    While the Death Eaters have been running the country, slowly but surely destroying all that was good about wizarding society, Voldemort has been examining the veil. It didn't take long before he found a way out.

    Thus he entered through the veil to explore the realm of the dead. But what he didn't count on was that as he entered, someone was released. Looking exactly as they did the day they died, that soul, who was in stasis at the happiest time of their life, has no knowledge of current affairs or their life after that happiest moment. But they're back, and the only way out for them is to die again. But they don't remember death - they only remember life.

    Appearing in a discrete alleyway in the heart of Diagon Alley, they are lost, confused, and have no idea what to do. But soon after the first of the undead was discovered, those loyal to the Order have been carefully watching, making sure those who return are properly cared for and given the latest in wizarding communication: the journals. If they have family still alive, they are put in touch with them, and they do their best to readjust to life in 1997.

    But the question remains: what is Voldemort looking for beyond the veil? What is it that he thinks holds the key to immortality? Only time will tell, and if Voldemort discovers it before Harry Potter destroys the remaining Horcruxes, then the wizarding world will forever be subject to the Dark Lord's rule.
    Breaking Point

    Breaking Point

    The RPG

    AU Comm


    Cast &

    Plot Timeline

    Ron Weasley
    Hugo Weasley
    Luna Scamander
    Rolf Scamander
    Sirius Black
    James Potter
    Severus Snape
    Hogwarts Students
    The Founders
    Aurors - Canon or OC
    Many more.

    The Premise

    Neville Longbottom heads Hogwarts.
    Astoria Malfoy has just taken over the Board of Governors.
    Too many somethings are going bump in the night.

    Werewolf attacks have become the stuff of everyday life for much of Wizarding Britain, the Chamber of Secrets is being re-awoken by Slytherin himself, and a certain Dark Lord just doesn't know how to stay dead... Harry Potter, the Head of the Aurors, has his Department fighting back with around the clock patrols and Hit Wizards are busier than ever before, but even with extra security, is Hogwarts safe?

    How long will the tension build? How much can those who saved the world take? How far can the wizarding world be pushed before it reaches its breaking point?


    *Plot Focused
    *OC friendly
    *Tons of characters to interact with
    *Plots taking place inside and outside of Hogwarts, for students and adults

    Game Began July 1, 2009.







    Welcome to Harmony. It’s a lovely place, clear blue skies and attractive buildings. It’s funny, but even though all you can remember is this place, it feels like you’ve never been here before.

    Why does it feel that way? Well, probably because it’s true. Sssh, don’t tell; this is a giant experiment, one you can’t get out of. We care about you here in Harmony, and you’re very important to us. We hand picked you from your world, because there was just something about you. We know you will be helpful.

    It’s important that you feel at home. Almost like you’re not in an experiment at all. So we’re going to give you a new set of family, friends, and memories. Because, don’t forget – we care about you. We want you to feel at home, seeing as from now on, this is your home.
    So here’s the gist – your character was plucked from their world, and brought to this one. It’s unclear if it’s an alternate dimension or even a different planet. The place has similar atmosphere and appearances as Earth, but how would you ever know if it was or not? From there, something happened to their memory. It’s not clear how that happened, either. All you know is there is a little scar, on your neck, right below your hairline. Maybe you had it before. Or maybe, it has nothing to do with your memory. You have no idea.

    After you were brought here, and your memory erased, a new one was implanted. Some got a new brother or sister, some got new friends, and some even got new spouses or fiancés. It’s weird, really. You feel like you know them so well, and at the same time, like you don’t know them at all. You have a job, and a place to live. You have a memory of going to school at Harmony High, and parents that have died peacefully. You remember every aspect of this place, because after all, you’ve lived here since you were born.

    In addition to all that, from time to time, you’ll get a call from the Doctor’s office. You’ll come in, they’ll give you a supposedly harmless shot, and you’ll be on your way. Strange thing is you’ll start to feel really different after you get that shot.

    Is it the shot? Or is it something inside you?

    Welcome to Harmony, an AU Panfandom RPG. We're so happy to have you here.

    Open to new characters October 15th! Apply now!

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