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Friday, August 21st, 2009

    Time Event


    Regaling is a cursed kingdom. Inside, there are castles towering to the sky, enchanted forests, and a host of magical creatures, but despite all of that, the kingdom is still cursed. Not just the kingdom as a whole; every single inhabitant of Regaling is born with their own curse. Some are meant to be broken, others will remain unbreakable.
    Regaling is one giant fairy tale. Your character will be the hero of their story, a victim in another, a love interest in the next, and maybe a villain in all the rest.

    Regaling is an AU multifandom animanga, book/movie, and video game role-play with a heavy importance on character development and humor with hi-jinks!!1! versus a complicated plot. The game is set up in a loose way in the hopes that characters will be able to make the game develop without having very much set in stone. It is designed in the form of a kingdom of fairy tales, with each character assuming a role in their own story and inevitably affecting the other stories around them. The Kingdom of Regaling itself is under a curse that includes curse days, during which the majority of Regaling's inhabitants will suffer from the same basic curse. It could, for example, be a day when everyone switches curses, or maybe forgets about the person they hold the most important to them. However, on the normal days (and I'm using "normal" lightly here~) each character must live with their own curse. As part of Regaling's curse, each person who enters the Kingdom of Regaling, be it by birth or travel, will have a curse placed upon them. The curse is theirs alone and, if they are lucky enough, they will find a way to break it.

    Unfortunately, being the emo kingdom that it is, Regaling's troubles do not end with curses. No, Regaling also suffers from even more supernatural forces fighting against it. Dragons enjoy snatching up princesses, the mountains are home to god-knows-what but they're awfully loud at night, and no one is quite sure of when the next plague will hit.

    Fairy tales might have happy endings but no one ever said it was easy getting there or that it had to end happily ever after after all~ ♥

    ( Please see regaling for actual community )

    If you have any extra questions visit [ regaling@insanejournal ] or e-mail at [ ]
    Sic Infit - Harry Potter AU RPG
    It's 1999 and Wizarding Britain is a very different place. Voldemort controls a puppet Ministry and is seeking to expand his grasp into Europe and, eventually, the world. But he is not unopposed. There are many resistance groups working to keep him from accomplishing his goal and, among these, there is one that stands out from the crowd: The Order of the Phoenix.

    Secreting Muggleborns out of the country to keep them from enduring the horrors of Ministry-run "work camps", the Order is fighting a losing battle. Their last hope lies with a carefully guarded secret: The identity and location of The Prophesied One.

    Sic Infit explores the possibilities of what could have happened had James and Lily Potter stuck with Sirius as their Secret Keeper. What could have happened if Harry had never become The Boy Who Lived? What if Lord Voldemort had actually won?
    Vault 24: A Post-Apocalyptic RP

    The Capital Wasteland will never be the same!

    No one could know what depraved experiments were going on behind the huge steel door that locked the population of Vault 24 inside. At least they were safe from the outside dangers: nuclear fallout, radiation, mutants, raiders, and the most common enemy of all, lack of water. The Capital Wasteland outside suffered and evolved, just as much as the test subjects inside of Vault 24 did.

    Two weeks ago, without warning, Overseer Walter opened the door to Vault 24, after almost 200 years of it being closed, letting everyone within out into the Wasteland. There are still arguments within if they should be outside, but a majority of the experiments took the chance to leave as a blessing. Now they have a chance to change the Wasteland for better or worse... if the Wastelanders will give them a chance.

    Opening after 8 more applications!

    Premise // Setting/FAQ // Rules // Holds // Apply // Characters
    Mod Journal // IC Journal // OOC Journal

    Storyteller's TriQuetra
    The Storyteller’s TriQuetra is a unique and innovative writer’s community, created to engage storytellers from all walks of life and offer a chance to indulge in their craft.

    While roleplay games spring up and fade off, TriQuetra gives serious writers a place to grow and a diverse platter of 'verses to select from. We also promise to keep the light on. TriQuetra is a multi-dimensional platform that includes both play-by-post roleplay, chat rooms, and play by post forums plus much more!

    You're not going to find a better place to grow your characters, spin your storylines, and immerse yourself in the world of exquisite graphic making. A role player's haven comparable to TriQuetra isn't out there. Click here to get the ball rolling on your very own Storyteller's account. It's free!
    TriQuetra 'Verses
    Fantasy Role Play  Las Vegas Role Play   Aliens Versus Predator Role play  Roman Historical Role Play  Victorian Vampire Role Play  Historical Pompeii Role Play Fantasy Role Play
    typiqual - a high school rpg

    the premise;; rules;; application;; wanted;; the ultimate list;; mod contact

    INFO // [info]typiqual revolves around a small public "learning institution", central high school, located somewhere on the east coast. inside the building of this all-male school, you have the option of portraying one of fifteen stereotypes and interacting with any number of different (or similar) stereotypes.

    adult situations occur and are encouraged, so make sure to put your big-girl and big-boy pants on!

    slash only, PBs and celebs, friendly players, friendly mod, many stereotypes open!

    adds start sunday, august 23rd.
    Welcome to Eureka Springs, a Dark Panfandom RPG
    Haunted Hotels
    Organized Crime
    Just another day in Eureka Springs

    Eureka Springs is a panfandom game of mystery, mayhem and the supernatural that takes place in modern day Eureka Springs, Arkansas. We are currently casting mature players from almost all fandoms who want to explore a bit of a darker panfandom world.

    Most Wanted - Batman, Buffy/Angel, X-Files, Supernatural, Southern Vampire/True Blood, Women of the Otherworld, Jericho

    eurekaspringsrp | eureka_springs | eurekaooc

    Application | Rules | Wanted/Holds | Locations | Premise | Cast
    Darkness Rising

    Currently Casting | Casting Studio | Application | Rules | Member Testimonials | Darkness Rising RPG Community

    "Imagine that Voldemort’s powerful now. You don’t know who his supporters are, you don’t know who’s working for him and who isn’t; you know he can control people so that they do terrible things without being able stop themselves. You’re scared for yourself, and your family, and your friends. Every week, news comes of more deaths, more disappearances, more torturing … The Ministry of Magic’s in disarray, they don’t know what to do, they’re trying to keep everything hidden from the Muggles, but meanwhile, Muggles are dying too. Terror everywhere … panic … confusion … that’s how it used to be."– Sirius Black

    The year is 1978. Across Europe the Wizarding Community lives in fear. Voldemort and his followers are on the rise, leaving behind a reign of terror in their wake. As Voldemort’s supporters increase and more Wizards are murdered or go missing, Wizards and Witches begin to grow even more uneasy and terrified, and an increasing number choose to fall prey to his Empire, out of fear for their lives, unwilling to stand up and fight.

    Despite the increasing danger to their loves, a small group of vigilante Wizards, led by Albus Dumbledore, has begun a rebellion, daring to do what the Ministry will not; fight. The Order of the Phoenix is slowly forming into a force to be reckoned with, a threat to not only Voldemort, but the Ministry itself.

    Change is on the brink for the students of Hogwarts. No longer will they be safe behind the confines of the castle, unaware to the real dangers of the world. They will soon be forced to make their own loyalties known; a decision that will affect not only the rest of their lives, but the entire Wizarding World.

    Choices have already been made for those just out of Hogwarts. They have picked their sides and now they must live with the decisions they have made.

    Amongst all of this darkness, the Order is the light needed to give the Wizarding World the power to take on Voldemort’s forces. As both sides fight to gain support, one question still lies: which side will you choose?

    Since February 1, 2009, Darkness Rising has been an active, friendly, and canon compliant Marauders Era RPG taking place in 1978 featuring talented, amazing writers. We seek to find even more active, friendly, and kick-ass writers for our RPG to take us even deeper into the story as it unfolds.

    Most Wanted: Regulus Black*, Amelia Bones*, Alecto Carrow *, Amycus Carrow, Antonin Dolohov*, Hestia Jones*, Rabastan* & Rodolphus* Lestrange, Frank Longbottom*, Xenophilius Lovegood, Peter Pettigrew, Fabian* & Gideon Prewett, Rufus Scrimgeour*, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Andromeda Tonks*, and many others!

    Asterisk's* indicate recasts. All recast information can be found here

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