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Thursday, August 20th, 2009

    Time Event
    Avatar Nation, an OC Avatar Game

    Avatar Aang not only brought balance and order to the world when he stopped the Phoenix King, but he and his former rival, Fire Lord Zuko, took great strides toward ensuring that the mistakes of past generations would never again occur. Zuko made the Fire Nation Capital City of Awatan Sathit the center of the world, encouraging large numbers of people from the three nations to settle within its walls. One hundred and fifty years have passed since Avatar Aang's epic battle with the Phoenix King, and all seems right with the world to most. The White Lotus Society has begun to notice stirrings in the world. Tensions between the three nations over the possession of the former Air Nomad territories are beginning to mount, a new style of bending is emerging, and the Avatar has not yet finished her training.

    Are one hundred and fifty years of peace about to end? )

    Avatar Fandom ⇔ No Premades ⇔ City oriented

    WantedApplyDrop BoxSite Map

    Game opens Sept 1st or with 7 characters

    nocturnality : now accepting applications!
    Nocturnality - A Victorian era Vampire Chronicles RPG

    You've seen Interview with the Vampire, you've read The Vampire Lestat. But what if things had played out differently? One minute decision made on a whim can change a life or even the course of history.

    Lestat de Lioncourt was instructed to live out one mortal lifetime. "To forstall it may be to lose everything," Marius had said. This Lestat did and this story you know. Clauda, Louis, Lestat- a charade of a family built upon secrets and destroyed in a single night full of flames. But what if Lestat- burnt and beaten- had sought solace somewhere other than in one who harbored him such resentment? What if he had been unable to raise his blackened and shriveled hand to knock upon the doors of the Théâtre des Vampires and instead slunk shamed and defeated into the Paris night where his plans of going to ground were once again interrupted by an immortal with pale eyes and kind hands. What would this change?

    Well and alive, Claudia and Madeline move on. Lestat, reunited with Marius, travels to find a fledgling that has sought solace in one that hates him. Nicolas, thought to be dead, haunts Paris like a phantom. The year is 1862. Reunions, discoveries, a whole world on the cusp of change- what will you find here? Join Nocturnality and find out!

    Nocturnality is an alternate universe plot-deviation game, meaning that the events of the game timeline deviate from the canon events of the series and head in a player decided direction.



    In the spring of 1998, Harry Potter emerged from his solitary battle and said the words the entire world was waiting to hear.

    “It’s over. Voldemort’s gone.”

    After two long years, the last lethal spell had been cast. The last wand lowered. The last body fallen. It was the end of a truly horrible beginning. Now every witch and wizard who remained standing looked out over their beloved nation of Great Britain....

    And saw nothing but ruin.

    Death Eaters still roam, but their numbers are growing smaller, their attempts at retribution more vicious. A new minister has been elected to guide the rebuilding of the once-great society of wizarding Britain. The borders have been opened to our neighbors east and west to help fill the gaps left by the devastating war...

    Will you find a place?
    Plagued RPG - Where do you run when it's in your blood?
    A Post-DH Hogwarts Based Game!

    On September 1st Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry reopened, only this time with an extra bundle of students. The old class of '98 have been invited back to resit their year with the current NEWTS class. Room is made for them in their former houses and tensions are lifted from Hogwarts for the first time in a long time.

    Meanwhile, in Europe, Wizarding communities are being crippled by a virus that slowly destroys the ability to perform magic. Emergency procedures are put in place to try and stop it reaching Great Britain.

    However, a teacher and student are confirmed to have the virus and the Ministry immediately quarantines Hogwarts, placing a ward around the castle and its grounds to stop the virus spreading further.

    One by one students find themselves losing their ability to perform ever the simplest of spells. But even as they struggle to try and discover a cure, darker forces are beginning to close in on the school...

    What would you do if you lost your magic?

    Wanted! Seamus Finnigan, Theodore Nott, Terry Boot, Slytherins, Quidditch players, Death Eaters, OCs and lots more!
    Game Starts September 1st
    Open now due to popular demand!

    [info]plagued_rpg | [info]plagued_ooc


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