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Eureka Springs OOC

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[10 Nov 2009|02:02pm]
Hi guys, I suppose this is a semi-hiatus notice. Not because I have anything coming up but because I'm so blah at the moment. I'm having a lot of trouble concentrating on anything at the moment and its seriously impacting on my RPing. I will reply to your posts but it might take awhile (a few days unfortuantely). If more goes by and I still haven't replied feel free to poke me on AIM (I can recieve offline messages/will be invisible) but you can also email me at It probably hasn't helped that the weather has gone from mild winter weather to boiling hot in like two days but hopefully I'll be back to normal soon enough.

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[30 Oct 2009|10:02pm]

Meant to do this a lot earlier, but my comp died, and just now got it temporarily replaced. My fourth and final char, one Peter Petrelli, coming in from season 3, having just taken Sylar's ability. So, he's going to have those random moments where he's not his usual nice guy.

Usual open to plots and such.
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[30 Oct 2009|10:09am]
*Comes out of hiding* YES I LIVE. For those who don't know me. I'm Alex, 19 Australian and the mun of this guy- aka Lucius Malfoy.

If any of you want him for anything comment, IM me at moonsdreaming on AIM/immortalaussie on YIM or email me at Even if you just want to chat :D

Alex :)
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[17 Oct 2009|12:35am]

Ladies and gentlemen, please update your friend button as we welcome Peter Petrelli from Heroes to the game.
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[11 Oct 2009|07:42pm]

Friends button has been updated. Please welcome Claire Bennett to the rp.

Update it!
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[07 Oct 2009|05:52pm]

Hello all! Spoon/Laurel here with a new Eureka resident, Claire Bennett! I heard that there are some Mundus people here, so hiyeee again! I can't wait to meet everyone else (or talk with old players again) and RP!

Feel free to hit me up on AIM! raven haired cho or pocolocoindacoco.
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[08 Sep 2009|07:22am]

Hey everyone, Shoshana here bringing a new character.

She's Jaime Vegas, a sexy and popular spiritualist on television and stage. And I decided instead of her being pulled to Eureka Springs, she comes here on her own. Jaime checks out her venues before she books a show there. And yes, she can really see and speak to ghosts because she's a necromancer. So if she seems to be talking to herself or talking under her breath, she's not crazy, it's just the ghosts bugging her.

I'm open to plots with all my characters (Elena, Dean and Madison) and will get back into the swing of the game this week, starting classes again is quite stressful.
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[07 Sep 2009|09:36pm]

Please welcome Jaime Vegas from Women of the Otherworld to the game.

And remember to Update your friend's list.
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Tie a yellow ribbon... [07 Sep 2009|10:30am]

Just wanted to let everyone know that my husband is returning home from Afghanistan on the 10th, so I'll be scarce for a week or two!

<333 Erin
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[04 Sep 2009|10:07pm]

Ladies and gents please update your friend lists as we welcome Frost from Mortal Kombat - who will soon to be causing havock around town!!! And we say goodbye to our Lily Evans.
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[27 Aug 2009|04:05pm]

Hi Eureka Springs, have a Scully. :) I'm Kierah and I bring for you Dana Scully of The X-Files. She's the skeptic to her precious Mulder's believer and will probably freak out a little when she finds out where she is. If she says stuff like "the Syndicate did this" and "where the hell is Mulder so I can kill him for leaving me alone for three years" don't be alarmed. ;P I'm on AIM practically 24/7 @ crucify my end so hit me up anytime for plot, and even if you don't I'll probably stalk you instead! :D Looking forward to playing with you guys.
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Heinously Late Intro Post [27 Aug 2009|12:03pm]
[ mood | dorky ]

Sup friends! I'm Heather, and I'm playing Sherry Birkin from the Resident Evil games... If you're familiar with the game she's from, I'm sorry, she was a tad bit annoying in it... but I blame 1998 graphics and bad voice acting. >_> My version's cuter, smarter, and more likable, hopefully. She's also the only kid around Eureka if I'm not mistaken because I'm a sadist, so I thought it would be an interesting addition to the game dynamic.

She has been slowly inserting herself into the lives of Barbara and Madison, but she's definitely available for other interaction if you feel the need to deal with a precocious 11-year-old with no present parents but a pocketful of credit cards. :)

I can be reached at aim name "xsherryxbombx," if you want to plot or chat.

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Hello there! [21 Aug 2009|11:26pm]

My name's Erin.   I make George Lass do things--hopefully fun, twisted, awkward things at times.

This is my first time playing in a journal setting, though I've been RPing for more years than I'd like to admit.  My AIM contact is <b>surrogate songs</b> and I LOVE new people.  Drop me a line anytime!

A little about myself: I'm an army wife and mother to a 2 year old Beast (affectionately named, of course).  My husband returns from his recent tour in Afghanistan soon.  During the day, I'm a nanny.. nights and weekends are pretty free.

I definitely look forward to this.  Bear with me, though.. as I get the hang of the whole thing.
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[20 Aug 2009|10:17pm]

Hello everyone!

My name is Jon and I will be bringing to Eureka the infamous Dexter Morgan, America's Favorite Serial Killer (or second favorite next to Ted Bundy if you're in California, but who's counting?). I'm 26 years old and have been RPing for many, many years, however this is my first opportunity to bring the infamous Mr Morgan to life, so please be kind. Right now, he's obsessed with finding out why he is there and who stole him away, as I'm sure many others are, however Dexter is a bit more determined than the rest since he knows whoever or whatever took him to Eureka knows his little secret. So, I look forward to plotting and playing with you all. Feel free to AIM me at norshallwedie if anyone wants to plot or just say hi!
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[20 Aug 2009|11:57pm]

Please update your friend button as we welcome Dexter Morgan (Dexter) and Georgia 'George' Lass (Dead Like Me) to the cast!
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[17 Aug 2009|08:47pm]

Ladies and Gents, please update your friend list as we say goodbye to Sam Winchester (we are now recasting him) and welcome Sherry Birkin from Resident Evil!
-the mods
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[13 Aug 2009|06:47pm]

So...tomorrow I'm getting a wisdom tooth removed...I'm gonna say that I may be on hiatus because I'll be too drugged up to do replies. I may do a post just to let everyone know that I'm ok and if I am going to be on hiatus or not for a few days. Or rather, I'll just attach something to this post.

Ok, so yesterday I was thinking I'd be ok, especially since I was really good and felt fine after the surgery, but today took a turn for the worse and I'm taking the painkillers (which seems to be making me woozy). So I'll be online (I'm using my laptop to watch Supernatural...if I'm in my room).

Ok, so I'm not taking the painkillers as they are making me sick...but I probably will be in a lot of pain.
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[11 Aug 2009|04:02pm]
Just so you guys know I'm having computer troubles for the past few days. Hopefully shall be resolved within a day or so but that's why I've been MIA. I'll catch up on everything once I get a working computer again.

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[10 Aug 2009|02:55am]

Please update your friend lists as we have lost Rabastan Lestrange.
-The Mods
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[07 Aug 2009|01:54am]

Please update your friend buttons and welcome Concetta to the game as Harley Quinn!
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