March 2016

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January 24th, 2016

[info]mistojen in [info]rockthatmeme


the swapping meme

Something of a staple in roleplay plot tropes is the swap. Body swap, gender swap, power swap; all of these things can make for some very interesting plotting and, of course, some very uncomfortable shenanigans. So, pick your poison and let's do the thing!

How to Play:
  1. Post with your character | fandom | and any preferences.
  2. Be sure to mention any scenarios you are interested or not interested in playing.
  3. Tag Others.
  4. Be awesome to each other.
  5. Have fun!

Use the RNG to help you pick or choose on your own!

prompts below the cut )

[info]baneofpaley in [info]rockthatmeme

the big reveal meme

You've been keeping this secret for a long time now. Maybe you're a superhero, or a vigilante, or some form of supernatural creature. Whichever it is, you know that now is finally the time to share your secret with that one person, or maybe the world, whether you want to or not.

How to Play:
  1. Post with your character | fandom | and any preferences (the one with something to reveal or the audience).
  2. Either leave a blank comment or tag others.
  3. Be awesome to each other.
  4. Have fun!

You can use the RNG to pick a prompt!

Prompts under cut! )

[info]baneofpaley in [info]rockthatmeme

the fake date meme

You have an event to go to and you can't show up alone, again. Better find someone, and quick, whether they be friend, stranger, coworker, or even an ex, you're desperate. How are you going to make it worth their time?

How to Play:
  1. Post with your character | fandom | and any preferences.
  2. Either leave a blank comment or tag others.
  3. Be awesome to each other.
  4. Have fun!

You can use the RNG to pick a prompt!

Prompts under cut! )