Posts Tagged: '%21may'

Jun. 1st, 2019



WHO: Caleb (Cerberus) & Roxanne (Pheme), Liam (Asclepius), Jeremiah (Apollo), and possibly others idk
WHEN: 05/29, right before midnight
WHERE: Roadside, then the hospital
SUMMARY: An accident after prom brings people together
WARNINGS: description of injuries

All things considered, it had been a perfect night. )

May. 31st, 2019



Who: Deimos, Phobos, and Deimos’ mortal dad.
What: Mortal dad finds his missing son.
When: Friday, early morning.
Where: Phobos’ house.
Warnings: Extreme violence. Deimos says ‘shit’ a lot.

shit.  )

May. 28th, 2019



WHO: Everyone's Invited
WHEN: Memorial Day
WHERE: Caspian's Beach-front property.
SUMMARY: Bonfire Memorial Day party.
WARNINGS: Please mark in subject.

Another end of a month, another reason to have a large party bonfire. )

May. 25th, 2019



thread; penelope & odysseus

Who: Charlotte Holt & Nathan Keen Esq.
What: A day on the farm.
When: Monday morning
Where: Nathan's Farm
Warnings: TBD.

it had been hard to disconnect, and yet she survived )



WHO: Peleus & Thetis
WHEN: Saturday, May 25th
WHERE: Pylos Restaurant
SUMMARY: Date night

Honestly, Thetis had learned a lot from modern women. )

May. 21st, 2019



Who: Kronos (Matthias) & Caspian (Poseidon).
What: Just Kronos continuing to be the world’s worst dad.
When: 8 at night, Saturday.
Where: Caspian’s place.
Warnings: TBD.

You’re one sick fucker, you know  )
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May. 20th, 2019



WHO: Caspian [Poseidon] and Nathan [Odysseus]
WHEN: 05/18 early afternoon
WHERE: Nathan's Farm
SUMMARY: Just some men riding and talking horses.

Feelings and knowings of their thoughts crawled through his mind with an ease and comfort, much like the sea life at the Aquarium or out in the ocean did. )
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WHO: Cerberus, Lethe, and Pheme
WHEN: 5/19 Night
WHERE: The Vavras House
SUMMARY: Cerberus is trying to set things right, yelling at Lethe, and finding out Pheme already has her memories.

calling for Roxanne and re-messaging/calling for Lethe to join them.. )

May. 19th, 2019



WHO: Moros and Roxanne Vavras (Pheme)
WHEN: 05/19, afternoon
WHERE: New York Public Library
SUMMARY: Maybe!daddy and maybe!daughter meet
WARNINGS: Sarcasm, attitude, and possible Pheme-ness

Roxanne was in a foul mood. )

May. 18th, 2019



Who: Echidna, Typhoeus, Cerberus, Orthrus, Chimera
What: Monster fam reunion
When: Saturday afternoon
Where: Echidna's ranch
Warnings: Monster stuff? I don't know. Will update as needed.

It had been far too long since they were all together )



WHO: Caspian [Poseidon] and Ami [Amphitrite]
WHEN: 5/13 Evening
WHERE: Caspian's Manor lol
SUMMARY: Talking waters

Caspian could not be sure if he wanted her over as a friend or a fellow oceanic colleague but he wanted her over none-the-less.. )
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May. 15th, 2019



thread; melinoe & persephone

Who: Persephone & Ravyn
What: Goth girl things.
When: Wednesday Evening
Where: Thrift Store
Warnings: N/A

it cut down on so much time and work.  )



thread; woke dark fam

Who: Charon, Erebus, Phobetor, Nyx, & Thanatos
What: Partial Family Reunion.
When: Wednesday Night
Where: Club Oneiroi
Warnings: Talk of death and violence?

and so here they were )



Who: Cassandra Troia (Cassandra) and Open
What: Working
When: Wednesday Late Afternoon
Where: The Elysium
Warnings: None


I'll remember it every restless night keeping warmRead more... )



Who: Hailee Cameron (Harmonia) and Ares (Open to Others)
What: Learning
When: Wednesday Late Afternoon
Where: The Palaestra
Warnings: TBD


They tell a story all their own about the human heart aloneRead more... )
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Who: Ace Nash (Himeros) and Eros
What: Reunions -- Kind Of
When: Tuesday Night/Wednesday Morning
Where: A Fancy Hotel Room
Warnings: TBD


It would be nice if I could touch your body not everybody has got a body like youRead more... )
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May. 14th, 2019



WHO: Cerberus and Typhoeus
WHEN: 5/11
WHERE: Typhon Technologies
SUMMARY: someone needs to give him answers.

A low growl echoed in the space. )

May. 13th, 2019



Who: Tori (Nike) and Caleb (Ares).
What: Tori goes to the gym to work off stress. Caleb joins her
When: Evening.
Where: His Gym
Warnings: No idea at the moment. Will update when it changes

Hot. Warm. Sweaty. And the gym was like that too )
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ᴡʜᴏ: Eros and Melanie Ruskin (Aphrodite)
ᴡʜᴀᴛ: A Mother and Son Reunion (maybe?)
ᴡʜᴇɴ: Sunday Night, 5/12
ᴡʜᴇʀᴇ: Melanie's Home
ʀᴀᴛɪɴɢ: Low

ʜᴀᴘᴘʏ ᴍᴏᴛʜᴇʀ's ᴅᴀʏ?

Read more... )



Who: Achilles, Patroclus and Thetis.
What: Family stuff! Probably talk of awakening gods.
When: Afternoon.
Where: Achilles and Patroclus’ brownstone.
Warnings: TBD. Brooding Achilles.

He waited for Patroclus to join him. Waited for Thetis to come through the front door.  )