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May 26th, 2010

[info]irradiated_ants in [info]ridgewayresort

A little glitz and glamor never hurt.

Who: Heather, Open, Narrative-ish(in at least three parts if no one tags)
What: The first time stepping on the stage in the Ice Room, when she didn't have to fix anything.
When: A Saturday Night
Where: The Ice Room
Rating: Med for language
Status: TBA

The Heart Conquers All... )

[info]caspianseafarer in [info]ridgewayresort

Who: Caspian and Open
When: Mid-afternoon
Where: Lost
What: Trying to figure out what's going on
Rating: PG?
Status: Incomplete

Caspian wasn't particularly fond of not knowing what was going on )

[info]thethirdson in [info]ridgewayresort

Who: Reid and Victiore
When: Afternoon
Where: Beach
What: Meeting, talking? Staring? Lol.
Rating: TBD


Fancy a swim? )

[info]hellopuddin in [info]ridgewayresort

Who: Harley Quinn, Open!
When: Early Afternoon
What: Harley tries to make the best out of her situation by heading off to work.
Where: At the Spa.
Rating: Let's go with PG.

Time for my first day at work! )

[info]slayersocialwrk in [info]ridgewayresort

Who: Faith & Jaz
When: After Judas' big reveal
What: Faith takes out her frustration on some helpless trees, Jaz intervenes
Where: The woods near the staff cabins
Rating: PG-13 most likely, thanks to Faith's mouth

[info]gunsntwinkies in [info]ridgewayresort

Who: Tallahassee, !Open to all and to residents of Cabin #4
When: Mid Evening
What: Trying to relax by playing Left 4 Dead on the cabin's X-box.
Where: Cabin #4
Rating: R for possible language.

He had just gotten home from his shift at the grocery store )