Posts Tagged: 'felicity+smoak'

Oct. 12th, 2015



WHO: Felicity Smoak and Sara Lance
WHERE: Felicity's apartment
WHEN: Day 6, after this conversation.
WHAT: Felicity needs to know what Sara remembers from before her arrival...and to see her friend.
WARNINGS: Emotion...maybe more, will update if necessary!
STATUS: Closed, Incomplete

It's been a long day without you, my friend. And I'll tell you all about it when I see you again.
Read more... )

Oct. 10th, 2015



WHO: Derek Hale and OTA Felicity Smoak
WHERE: Out in the woods.
WHEN: Day 7, late morning
WHAT:  Derek getting caught in the wrong form; Felicity hurting herself hella bad; experiment log
WARNINGS: Language

Cause you had a bad day. You're taking one down. You sing a sad song just to turn it around. Read more... )

Oct. 2nd, 2015



WHO: Barry Allen and Felicity Smoak
WHAT: Bein frands
WHEN: Day 3, afternoon
WARNINGS: Probably none?
STATUS: Closed/Incomplete
She was a worrier. )

Sep. 28th, 2015



WHO: Rikki Chadwick, Daryl Dixon, & Felicity Smoak
WHERE: Middle of Farm Area
WHEN: Day one
WHAT: Arrival
RATING: Likely some cursing knowing Daryl
STATUS: Complete

Her glasses were askew on her face, one lens level with her forehead, and her hair was falling from the ponytail that it had been in, looking much more wild than it had last time that she saw it. )