Posts Tagged: '%21day+07'

Oct. 10th, 2015



WHO: Derek Hale and OTA Felicity Smoak
WHERE: Out in the woods.
WHEN: Day 7, late morning
WHAT:  Derek getting caught in the wrong form; Felicity hurting herself hella bad; experiment log
WARNINGS: Language

Cause you had a bad day. You're taking one down. You sing a sad song just to turn it around. Read more... )



WHO: Sam and Gretel, and later Dean
WHAT: Dealing with various forms of angst and experimentation plot fallout.
WHEN: Day 7, evening
WARNINGS: Language and angst
STATUS: Closed/Complete
Fever! In the mornin', fever all through the night. )



WHO: Daryl and Angelika
WHAT: Recovery
WHEN: Day 7, late
WARNINGS: Vague descriptions of injury
STATUS: Closed/Complete
Bad dreams in a bad dream place. )

Oct. 9th, 2015



Who: Dean and Sam Winchester
What: Angsty Winchester things
When: Day 7, Morning
Where: Sam's apartment
Warnings: Language, probably
Status: Closed/Complete

When the past comes back to haunt you. )



WHO: Daryl and Angelika
WHAT: REALLY bad luck (Experimentation log)
WHEN: Day 7, late afternoon
WARNINGS: Somewhat catastrophic bodily injury, swearing
STATUS: Closed/Complete
They all said she was cursed. )

Oct. 8th, 2015



WHO: Kaylee Frye and OPEN
WHERE: Outside by the river
WHEN: Friday Evening, Day Seven
WHAT: Kaylee is being...well, sad!Kaylee, and is also afflicted with the bad lucks. So, of course it's time to get hurt! Experiment Log!
WARNINGS: Can't say I can see it that high with Kaylee.
STATUS: Open, Incomplete

Take my love, take my land, take me where I cannot stand.
I don't care, I'm still free. You can't take the sky from me.
Read more... )