October 12th, 2015



WHO: Felicity Smoak and Sara Lance
WHERE: Felicity's apartment
WHEN: Day 6, after this conversation.
WHAT: Felicity needs to know what Sara remembers from before her arrival...and to see her friend.
WARNINGS: Emotion...maybe more, will update if necessary!
STATUS: Closed, Incomplete

It's been a long day without you, my friend. And I'll tell you all about it when I see you again.
Read more... )



WHO: Cassie Ainsworth & OTA (Multiples okay)
WHAT: Intro post
WHEN: Day 8, morning
WARNINGS: Not sure yet… mentions of drugs, maybe more might come up
If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn't. )



WHO: Selina Kyle, Lincoln Campbell and Heather Mason.
WHERE: Outside the East door leading to the facilities.
WHAT: Arriving.
WHEN: Monday, day 08 (01 for them)
WARNINGS: Maybe a little cursing?

the earth in your lungs and the wind in your hair )



WHO: Joey McCoy and Dean Winchester, then to save spamming the comm, Joey and Daryl Dixon
WHERE: Dean and Daryl's respective rooms.
WHEN: Day 8, early afternoon, right after this entry went up.
WHAT:  Trying to make the sick folk feel better
STATUS: Complete

I'm so sick, infected with where I live. Read more... )



WHO: Sirius and Lily (and open to Remus)
WHAT: Lily has something to do, and Sirius has little choice in the matter.
WHEN: Day 8, evening
WARNINGS: Nothing really
STATUS: Open to Remus only, in progress
I'm doing it anyhow, so you can fight me or not. )



WHO: Katherine Danvers and Laura Hale
WHERE: Outside the walls, in the woods
WHEN: Day 8, afternoon
WHAT: Looking for medicinal herbs
STATUS: Incomplete

In the company of wolves I sat in silence )