Monday, September 28th, 2015

Who: William Rosier & Cambina Bulstrode
What: Comfort and plotting
Where: Doge Manor at Batheaston
When: Saturday, 26 September
Rating: PG 13? Discussion of less than ethical activities
Status: completed thread

Promise me we'll find out what really happened and bring the bastard to justice. )
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Sunday, September 27th, 2015

Who: Dean Thomas and Seamus Finnigan
What: Drinks and discussions
Where: The Leaky Cauldron
When: Wednesday, September 9
Rating/Status: GDoc complete

Wait, hang on, are you implying-- )
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Who: William Rosier and Cambina Bulstrode
What: Making up after the Corner question issue and hashing out where the priorities lie there
Where: Starts at Ministry moves to her flat
When: Thursday evening
Rating: Eh...highish? It’s mostly in a shower so...
Status: GDoc complete

You come first, can't you see that?  )
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Tuesday, September 22nd, 2015

WHO: Molly and Arthur
WHAT: supper/evening activities
WHEN: Tuesday 22 September 1998
WHERE: The Burrow
STATUS: Closed//Ongoing

What is normal? )
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Monday, September 21st, 2015


WHO: Norah and Lucy Bones
WHAT: Lunch
WHEN: Tuesday 22 September 1998, Noon
WHERE: Three Broomsticks
STATUS: Closed//Ongoing

There didn't need to be a problem for Norah to visit her mother. )

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WHO: Nymphadora Tonks & Ada Mulrine
WHAT: Being young and hot on a Friday Night
WHEN: backdated to Friday 18 September 1998, literally 15 minutes after this
WHERE: Ada's flat then all over
RATING: Medium to Medium High: drinking, possible language, light debauchery
STATUS: Closed//Ongoing

Super Tonks to the rescue! )

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WHO: Nymphadora Tonks & Ted Tonks
WHAT: Father/Daughter time
WHEN: backdated to Saturday 19 September 1998, 10 AM
WHERE: Ted and Andromeda's house
RATING: TBD, likely low
STATUS: Closed//Ongoing

The sun was too bright. )

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WHO: Nymphadora Tonks & Sirius Black
WHAT: Cousin time
WHEN: Slightly backdated to Sunday 20 September 1998, 6 PM
WHERE: Hogwarts' Gates then TBD
RATING: TBD, likely low
STATUS: Closed//Ongoing

Autumn was in the air. )

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Who: William Rosier and Cambina Bulstrode
What: Discussing engagements & Michael Corner
Where: Bina's flat
When: Sunday, 20 September 1998
Rating: PG
Status: completed log

not trusting each other - that's going to sabotage us more than anyone I sleep with )
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Thursday, September 17th, 2015

Who: William Rosier & Cambina Bulstrode
What: Congratulating the new Deputy chief
Where: a hallway in the ministry
When: Thursday, 17 September
Rating: PG - yup. these two can keep it clean sometimes.
Status: Completed Log

give yourself one night to pat yourself on the back and enjoy it okay? )
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Wednesday, September 16th, 2015

Who: James Potter and Sirius Black
What: An important question
Where: Sirius’s Flat
When: August 18, immediately after this (BACKDATED)
Rating/Status: Low

So tell me, Padfoot, why do you want to give a ring to Moony? )
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Who: Remus & Sirius
What: First Day of School
Where: Hogwarts
When: September 1 (Backdated)
Rating: Tame
Status: Logged, Complete

''Any bets on when the first howler will show up?'' )
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Monday, September 14th, 2015

Who: Dean Thomas and Padma Patil
What: Movie Night!
Where: F5 House
When: September 5
Rating/Status: Low/Complete

Why does everything sparkle? )
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Friday, September 11th, 2015

Who: Dorothea Selwyn and Margot Bones
What: Cooking Lessons ; Nostalgic Welcome Feast Substitute.
Where: Dottie’s Flat, Southwest London
When: BACKDATED - Tuesday September 1st, Evening
Status: Completed via gdocs ; closed

You can have your very own Margot Bones Cookbook. )
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Wednesday, September 2nd, 2015

Who: William Rosier & Cambina Bulstrode
What: Flying at the Ministry Party
Where: Quidditch stadium
When: Friday, 28 August
Rating: G/PG!
Status: Completed log

Aiming for a few heart attacks tonight, Miss Bulstrode? )
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Who: Cambina Bulstrode and William Rosier
What: Black book comparisons in bed
Where: Her flat
When: Late night, 27 August
Rating: Art House R
Status: GDoc complete

As if I'm so careless, Miss Bulstrode. Bastard children are good for nobody )
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Thursday, August 27th, 2015

Who: William Rosier and Cambina Bulstrode
What: Monday Morning Griping (and groping) - Bina is in a rage because of the release of ex-cons. Will comes by for what was meant to be a celebration. Venting about the ministry ensues. Walls are punched, scotch is drunk.
Where: Bina's old flat
When: Monday, 17 August (BACKDATED)
Rating: R - because apparently they can't keep their hands off each other.
Status: Completed

No sense is trying to say something is dark or light when order members break the law just as much. )
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Who: Padma Patil and Dean Thomas
What: Toaster shopping! Oh my goodness.
Where: Debenham’s
When: August 12, 1998
Rating/Status: Low

I bet Seamus is really fond of toasters too. )
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Tuesday, August 25th, 2015

Who: Merry Goshawk and Will Rosier
What: Getting the trainee some real experience
Where: The DMAC...and beyond!
When: About a week after Will starts at the DMAC
Rating: Low low
Status: They obliviated your memory of the rest so it’s not unfinished, you just don’t remember

The Great Goshawk had a nice ring to it )
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Wednesday, August 19th, 2015

Who: Seamus Finnigan and Padma Patil
What: Discussions and an anxiety attack
Where: New FF house
When: Wednesday, August 19, 1998, early evening
Rating: Only warning is for anxiety attacks
Status: GDoc complete

Merlin, he'd broken Padma )
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