December 22nd, 2011

[info]red_right_hands in [info]red_sky_ooc

Holiday Gift Exhange

We thought about doing a game-wide White Elephant thread, but considering how busy everyone will likely be with the holidays, we'd like to do this instead.

What would your character--or YOU--give other characters as a gift this year? You can either list items, or write a little bit of a blurb between characters. Whatever floats your boat. Also, feel free to let your characters know wee bit more than they should. For the lulz.

[info]ragged_lady in [info]red_sky_ooc


Tonight I board a train from GA to PA where I will spend a week with my family. I will have wifi on the train and access at my mom's, but will most likely be slow with replies. Plots and logs are still asked for as distraction from the typical family drama. LOL

Let's plan sumfin!

Happy Holidays!


[info]ripewickedplum in [info]red_sky_ooc

New person!

Hello, lovelies!

My name's Megan. I'm a 23 year old actor and art model living in Manhattan. Lauren's been working on me to join this game for awhile now, and since I have some free time at the moment, I figured I might as well get sucked into something completely unproductive and addicting. Right? Right.

As you can see by my half-constructed journal, I'm bringing you Drusilla! I'm excited to get into her whacked-out brain and create some chaos with you all. If you'd like to plot with me, let's get going. Yeah. \m/ I'll be adding more to her profile and everything in time.
