December 19th, 2011

[info]red_right_hands in [info]red_sky_ooc

It's that time again.

Dear all-

I've asked in the past for help recruiting for BRS. I cannot stress enough how much I need this help.

If you want this game to grow and move faster, I'm seriously just about begging you, here... talk it up, put out ads, etc. I advertise about once a week in several rp communities, but in my experience, you really get more players from other players. Ads work some of the time, but it isn't the same as hearing about something someone else is already involved in.

If you want BRS to grow, and move, and change... I really need your help. Without it, this game is going to likely continue being roughly the same size and pace. Based on chats and emails with most of you, I know that's not what you want.

But I'm not superwoman. I can't do this all myself.

So please, help me out, here. Consider it what I want for Hanukkah. :)


[info]red_right_hands in [info]red_sky_ooc


Please stay tuned.

We've been debating a few changes to rules, involving the number and type of characters each player is allowed. Those edits should be going live ASAP. This is NOT negative, and, in fact, should make a lot of you pretty happy.


[info]darling_boy in [info]red_sky_ooc

Oh hello

I'm officially back!

Now. I know I have some threads out there that have been sitting. I am open to finishing any one of them, but if you'd rather drop it, I'm okay with that too.

Sorry for it taking me so long to get back to everything. The way that my computer was set up, sitting at it was not comfortable for long periods, and I couldn't have it in my lap because the only way to have it connected to the internet was to have it physically plugged in, which tethered it pretty much close to where it was sitting.

But now I have things sorted to where I can have it sitting on a table or in my lap and be comfy!

Plot is very welcome!