December 7th, 2011

[info]likeridinabiker in [info]red_sky_ooc

Hi! It's Trish again you big bunch of enablers!

Faith is coming back to town so if you want to play with the slayer let me know! She's all about looking for trouble. Oh wait, that's pretty much every day for her isn't it?

[info]ragged_lady in [info]red_sky_ooc

Shameless plotty goodness ad

Molly is locked up in her three scene limit so I thought I'd take the time while I'm waiting for those to wrap up to cast out the line looking for plot! Ima lay out what is happening with her right this moment, what I thinking will happen with current developments and what I'd like to see happen but isn't set in stone.

What is:
Her PTSD is kicking her ass. The holidays are hard for her not being around her family. She doesn't even know that's why she's feeling so scattered. The last holiday season she had she spent in the hospital with a gunshot wound to the leg, Harry died and she hit the streets. Phaedra recently startled her and they got into a brief argument/Molly picked up on Phae not liking her as fiercely as Molly doesn't like her. (That scene is still in the development stage so stay tuned!)

Coming up:
Murphy and Harry. IT'S ABOUT FRIGGIN TIME! She is going to be really happy for them, but crushed at the same time. She's held a torch for Harry since she was fourteen. She's watched him in his relationships, and in her opinion this is the one that will last for him. But it's not her. That's a hard ouch for any girl. With as bungled as her mind is, after giving it some thought and talking it over with some people I can see Molly throwing herself more solidly back into the Ragged Lady persona. Not so much the kill all the bad people and leave strips of fabric in their mouths, but the not sleeping, not really eating a lot and actively hunt the bad critters the hellmouth/gates spit out.

Where is it all going:
Hell if I know. LOL But that's where y'all come in. I'd like some ideas, and I'd like to plot with people. There is a lot of potential there, and I believe we could have some fun! Do you see something you think your character(s) could help with/participate in/take advantage of? (General naughtiness and bad guy scheming is totally welcome!) Do you have an idea that you would like to see played out (kind of the Oh! I wonder if she thought of this for Molly?! thing...I'd love to hear it!)? Brainstorm, ho! Bring it on!


[info]red_right_hands in [info]red_sky_ooc

Character Soundtrack: Melaka Fray

Vol. 4: Fray )

[info]red_right_hands in [info]red_sky_ooc

Character Soundtrack: Dawn Summers

Vol. 5: Dawn )

[info]red_right_hands in [info]red_sky_ooc

Character Soundtrack: Harry Dresden

Vol. 6: Harry Dresden )

[info]red_right_hands in [info]red_sky_ooc

Character Soundtrack: Dean Winchester

Vol. 7: Dean Winchester )