November 14th, 2011

[info]tooprecious in [info]red_sky_ooc

OK! LiLi here, with Sam from the end of Season 5/beginning of Season 6. Instead of being pulled out in pieces by Cas/Crowley/Death, he escaped via the Hellmouth with his soul AND his memories intact. He's got PTSD up the wazoo (kind of like early s7 Sam, I suppose?) and he's just too precious for this world.


Also, if anyone wants to plot with Ruby, I am game for anything--up to and including eventually killing her off, because it's going to be a little awkward playing both of them and making them avoid each other in the meantime. Even if it is totally in character. Someone (besides Saerian) has to find out who she is eventually anyway.

[info]defineokay in [info]red_sky_ooc

Apologies for my recent absence! My husband's grandfather died suddenly (90 years old, though, good for him!) and we had to spend a few days in Georgia, where I had no cell phone reception and no internet access. It was awkward - he's pretty estranged from that side of his family, but he had to be there to make a presence, and almost didn't want me to go with him so I wouldn't be exposed to "those people", but he was upset and I wanted to go to help keep him steady. We spent a good bit of time together and even escaped to go to a state fair at one point. Alas, there was no Tunnel of Love, but we did go through the House of Mirrors.

While there, I was doted on by Chris' mother, father, and grandmother (from the nice side) which was wonderful. I'm thrilled to have them as part of my family, and I think we'll be spending Christmas with them this year. It felt more like a delayed honeymoon than a funeral - at least to me. I think that's what they wanted.

Got back late last night, too tired to do anything but sleep. I'll get some replies up soon as I can.