October 13th, 2011

[info]gun_that_won in [info]red_sky_ooc

Hi hello!

Slightly belated intros, but this is my new pup, Ellen. Unfamiliar face, but trust me, you know her parents ;)

El's been dumped back here by a meddling dick with wings typically reticent angel, so she's going to be a little confused for the next wee while...

[info]red_right_hands in [info]red_sky_ooc


A note on the curiosities tent

- The open thread STANDS. That opening is for any character. Simply respond with a new sub-thread. He's sitting in there every night of the fair, for now.

- The man with the pipe will give your character an item.

- Your job, in order to complete this portion of the Fair plot for your character, is to use that item in a thread at any time before we, the mods, call the end of the plot.

- The item received is very, very important to your character--or to someone in the thread with them when it is used. That item is going to save someone's life, or completely change it.

----- What does that mean? Well, let's use an example. Right now, Riley is speaking to the man in the tent. Several items are listed off. One of them is a key. The recipient of that key can choose what it opens or unlocks, who it opens or unlocks for, and the outcome. A few possible examples:

- The key opens a safety deposit box. Your character now possesses a clue as to what happened to the Asylum. Or is now wealthy.

- The key opens the control panel for one of the rides, which, in the thread in which you choose to use it, is malfunctioning. Your character can turn the ride off and save several lives.

- The key opens one of the Gates on Trout Run Road that's otherwise been rusted shut and cannot be gotten around.


The items your receive are mod-controlled. You cannot swap them out. The man with the pipe will not take them back, either. Otherwise, it's all you. ;)

PS- If your character isn't very nice to the man with the pipe, he's going to be less... helpful... and your job as a writer will be harder.