October 9th, 2011

[info]defineokay in [info]red_sky_ooc

Sorry, guys. Bad weekend. Internet issues, storms, and to top it off, one of my dogs died an hour ago. 12 year old Jack Russell terrier named Spike. Oh, Spike. Such a wonderful brat of a dog. Lovable, loving, never gave kisses except to my mom, but always gave hugs and attention. Always wanted to be included in things.

Spike was already well in his years when he moved to FL from NYC with the rest of us. He loved hunting, of all things. He'd kill any poor rodents, insects, or reptiles that made their way into my parents large backyard. He once proudly dragged in a 4 foot long garden snake.

Today, while hunting in the yard, a snake struck back. A pygmy rattlesnake, the vet later told us. Spike was struck in the neck. We don't know if he managed to kill the snake or not, but his neck began to swell. He was taken to an emergency vet and held out for several hours, growling and barking at anyone unfamiliar. He held out long enough for my parents to get back to him, to be with him as he passed.

Rest well, Spike. Take care of Dante, Rocky, and Adrienne. They're your family, and they love you.

Sorry to the rest of you for TMI. Lost another dog (Dante) not two months ago. Definitely a bit heartbroken.