September 30th, 2011

[info]ododlig in [info]red_sky_ooc

Hello again.

It's Mila again. This time I bring with me one Eric Northman. It is very important to understand that my Eric comes from the Southern Vampire Mysteries books and not the True Blood tv show. There will be differences. Like, for one, he has no idea who Godric is.

Which should be hilarious.

Open for plot of all kinds!

[info]dead_in_dixie in [info]red_sky_ooc


Hello! I'm Marty. And I am bringing to this lovely game Bill Compton from True Blood/Southern Vampire Mysteries. I've tried to make Bill a semi-amalgamation of events of the book and events from the show. Because, let's be honest. Book!Bill is not very cool (unlike Book!Eric whose coolness transcends both page and screen.) But show!Bill is pretty fabulous. And he has Jessica, who I adore. (And since I saw her on the held page, I thought it wise to include her in his history.) So though I've stuck a little more closely to the show, I've decided to leave his relationships to other characters open for book events, too. (Which, I think, can flow pretty well with the first three seasons of True Blood.) Just in case someone wants to pick up some poor random character who never made it into the show. Questions? Concerns? Please ask!

For anyone unfamiliar with Bill. He's a vampire who was turned just after the Civil War. He's originally from Louisiana, where he lived on a small plantation before joining the Confederate Army in the "War of Northern Aggression." He's pretty much obsessed with a young waitress named Sookie Stackhouse, who he used to date before she found out that he had been sent to her hometown by the Vampire Queen of Louisiana to woo her. (But he really does love her!) And he doesn't particularly care for Eric, who has sabotaged most of his plans to win Sookie back. Bill is pretty mopey and brooding right now. (If there were a Louis de Pointe du Lac in the game, the two of them would probably sit around in coffee houses, pining for their mortal lives and moping about the fate of the world.) Which is not to say that he is a total pansy. He has his moments of lack-of-control and he can have a temper when he wants to. But he tries his best to contain his anger and drink synthetic blood to survive. (But that doesn't always work out the way he plans.) And when he's not being totally haughty about moral principles, he sometimes slips up and bites people. Bill will start off in the game having been sent to York by Nan Flanagan and the American Vampire League to keep an eye on the happenings in Pennsylvania.

All plot is welcome! I can be reached on AIM at Polythene Woe, though I have been a little scarce from IMs lately because I'm trying to finish my applications for medical school. (But my goal is to get them all out by Sunday! Fingers crossed!) Private Messages and E-Mail are really good ways to get ahold of me right now.

Looking forward to playing with everyone!