September 6th, 2011

[info]red_right_hands in [info]red_sky_ooc

Summaries! August 26 - September 6

All the good and bad things in the world meet up to talk about the Hellmouth, the Gates of Hell, and impending doom. Almost nothing actually gets accomplished except for the possible formation of an I Hate Lilah Morgan Club. Also, Crowley the demon informs Harry Dresden that he is not, in fact, the center of the universe.

memorable quotes:

"Seven Gates of Hell?" The demon next to the hunter smiled, very slowly. His suit was very expensive. His accent was British, and he seemed altogether gleeful at the prospect of all of this. "That sounds... useful."
The demon smiled winningly. "Yes, Mr. Singer?"
"Shut your trap."

"If this Hellmouth opens and these gates open, Sunnydale will be nothing but a fuzzy, happy memory. If this comes to pass, everything you and yours have dealt with will look like an episode of the goddamn Carebears."- Lilah

Harry hires himself a vampire hitwoman bodyguard. Despite hating vampires. And being really uncomfortable with the whole thing.

Bobby calls Dean and tells him to get to York. Stat. Hellmouths are real.

Phaedra and Harry get settled into Harry's house, and get a visit from one of Saerian's lackey's. They actually start to like each other.

Juliet arrives, and checks into the motel.

Dean checks in, too. And gives a cute girl -- Juliet -- a burger and a beer. They lie to each other. A lot.

Lindsey meets Saerian, and makes a deal with the demon that he really can't -- and shouldn't -- refuse.

Eudoxia is back. And back to killing.

Nathaniel and Pandora meet, and chitchat about love and things.

Juliet and Nathaniel meet again. He loves her, she loves him. It's complicated.

Newly-ensouled Spike is hanging out by the 5th Gate. He meets a lovely elder vampire who doesn't understand his problem.

Mael and Zenobia meet again, centuries later. Tension. Tension!

Jo's been resurrected, and wakes up in York at the same motel where Dean is staying. After the initial shock of reuniting, the two talk about hunting and investigating together, and hit a bar veeeeeeeeeery early in the day. Dean resolves to protect Jo, and doesn't want to let her out of his sight till he's sure she's back and back for good.


Godric meets Harry in the parking lot of a Wal-Mart. They agree to not hurt each other, learn they respect each other, and try to fix Harry's car.

Dean goes to see Harry at Bobby's suggestion, to ask about Jo. Harry doesn't know why she's back, either. Other topic on the table: Harry living with a vampire and being a little bit batty.