August 28th, 2011

[info]lawyerboy in [info]red_sky_ooc

*sidles out of the woodwork*

Hi, everyone. Sorry I've not been around as yet - unfortunately game opening coincided with massively busy week for me, away from all computers. *sadface*

ANYWAY. The important bits - my name's Jen, and I come bearing two characters, [info]lawyerboy Lindsey McDonald, who Whedonverse types will be more than familiar with, and [info]untamed_scot Carr Wallace, an LKH-verse OC.

Lindsey is a lawyer with evil hand issues. And nifty tats that hide him from any surveillance, magical or technological. He used be on the bad guys side switched back and forth as his conscience got the better of him, and now...well, he's mostly on his own side. He got the hell outta dodge when he realised that no one simply walks into Mordor leaves Wolfram and die or you get promoted. He, his guitar, and his '57 Ford truck were last seen heading out of LA. He's travelled around some, picking up a few tricks (threaten him with a knife. Go on. Please.), but something's pulling him in to the town, so he'll be arriving in the next day or so.

Carr is a gruff, grumpy, scowly werewolf. His full past is on his userinfo, but the short version is this - he got turned, he rose to Ulfric, his pack (and wife and daughter) got deaded. He hunted the hunter that did it, and has been drifting ever since. He holds people at a distance because he doesn't want to lose anyone else, but he is achingly lonely and incredibly loyal to anyone who shows him the slightest bit of affection. He's very touchly feely in wolf form (because he thinks he can get away with it) and will do anything for bellyrubs and scritches. He, again, has felt the pull of the hellmouth, and will be coming to town looking for a mechanic/bartending/odd job of some kind in the very near future.

Any questions, plot ideas, or if you just wanna meet my boys, either pM me, comment here, or email me - everything should be on both Lindsey and Carr's userinfo. :D