March 17th, 2014



Let it Out

Characters: Dahlia and Otis
When: Friday Afternoon
Location: Pool bathroom
Warnings/Rating: Sad
Summary: Dahlia doesn't know how to deal with what happened
Status: Narrative - Complete

Blood )



[No Subject]

Characters: Sin and Jake
When: Friday, 9:00pm
Location: Jake’s Cabin
Warnings/Rating: Language probably
Summary: Sin tries to thank Jake for taking her back to her cabin.
Status: Closed, Complete

This was not going to be easy. )



Another New Face

Characters: April and Eli
When: Friday, late morning
Location: the Keep
Warnings/Rating: None
Summary: April meets a newcomer
Status: Complete, gdocs’d

New faces in new places )




Characters: Eran
When: Thursday night
Location: his cabin
Warnings/Rating: None
Summary: some moping
Status: Narrative

nothing to complain about )



[No Subject]

Characters: Aiden, Dahlia
When: Friday night
Location: Dahlia's cabin
Warnings/Rating: None that I know of.
Summary: a visit
Status: Complete

also a surprise )



Discussions of Things

Characters: Dora, Jason
When: Friday, evening/night
Location: Super sekrit lab
Warnings/Rating: Spoilers. Hints of what's to come.
Summary: Speculation abound
Status: Narrative

Clooooones )