March 16th, 2014



What the...

Characters: Otis and Chrissie
When: Thursday Late Night
Location: Her Cabin
Warnings/Rating: Otis swears
Summary: Finding out what happened
Status: Complete

That wasn't a text he wanted to receive.. )




Characters: Dahlia
When: Thursday, 9 PM
Location: the usual table
Summary: A delivery

a box on a table )



Thoughts and Feels

Characters: Jake
When: Latelate Thursday night
Location: his cabin
Warnings/Rating: Swears, thoughts of violence against bears
Summary: Jake reflects over the events of the evening
Status: Narrative

This place )



Near Disasters

Characters: Mike, Jaime
When: Thursday late evening
Location: their cabin
Warnings/Rating: Feels, swears.
Summary: Jaime can stop being strong now
Status: Complete

She'd done what she'd had to do )



Round and Round

Characters: Tris, Doug
When: Thursday, 9:30 PM -ish
Location: the Keep
Warnings/Rating: None anticipated
Summary: Tris reflects
Status: Complete

The things he smelled ... )



[No Subject]

Characters: Sin
When: Friday afternoon, around 2
Location: Cabin 6
Warnings/Rating: Language
Summary: Sin waking up
Status: Closed, Complete, Narrative

Maybe Dom was wrong )