Posts Tagged: '%7Eshayna+mae+carter'

Dec. 3rd, 2013



Quickest Way To a Man's Heart

Characters: Shayna Mae and Knox
When: Wednesday, a little after noon
Location: the kitchen
Warnings/Rating: some light swearing
Summary: Shayna Mae bakes cookies and makes lunch, Knox chats her up
Status: Complete, gdoc'd

You stick 'round for five more minutes, you get to have the first one, if you want it. )

Nov. 29th, 2013




Characters: Shayna Mae and Jacob
When: Tuesday, around noon
Location: The pool indoors
Warnings/Rating: none as of now
Summary: Shayna Mae goes for a swim
Status: Closed, finished

just breathe )

Nov. 28th, 2013



Heat and Sand

Characters: Jem, Shayna Mae
When: Wednesday, 7:45 AM
Location: Outside, w/in sight of the house
Warnings/Rating: None anticipated
Summary: Jem is starting to see the downside of his power
Status: Complete

Sand was a type of dirt )