Aug. 21st, 2017


WHO: Lucretia Black Prewett and Fabian Prewett
WHAT: Politics and paperwork
WHEN: 1979, following on their last visit
WHERE: Prewett House
WARNINGS: Subversion and frank talk?

I never knew that advocating for freedom of the press made one a Death Eater, but I do hope I get one of those fancy masks in the post. )

Jun. 5th, 2017


Week 7 Prompt VII - Heir

WHO: Fabian Prewett and Lucretia Black Prewett
WHAT: Going through Orion Black's things
WHEN: 1979 in the days immediately following Orion's death
WHERE: Prewett House
WARNINGS: Old ladies being drunk!

... getting hit with one vase by Walburga was enough for the day ... )

Jun. 4th, 2017


WHO: Fabian Prewett & Ione Meliflua
WHAT: Overnight vigil for binding purposes
WHEN: Full Moon in May 1980
WHERE: Rural pureblooded wizarding estate (Crabbe? Goyle? not relevant to our purposes)

There are fates worse than death. )

May. 14th, 2017


WHO: Rodolphus & Fabian
WHAT: Chattin
WHEN: 1978
WHERE: Lestrange Library
WARNINGS: Pretense

You found all that you need or—? )

Apr. 27th, 2017


WHO: The Prewett twins
WHAT: Post-family destress with alcohol because their family drives them to drink.
WHEN: Following a family dinner sometime in the late 70s.
WHERE: Fabian's flat.
WARNINGS: Language

If you can taste the tea, keep going. )

Apr. 15th, 2017


WHO: Fabian Prewett & Ione Meliflua
WHAT: Eating waffles.
WHEN: 1980, after May Day
WHERE: A waffle restaurant in London (run with it, y'all)
WARNINGS: Fabian is a cynical jerk, film at 11.

Don’t offer, if you didn’t mean it. )

Mar. 25th, 2017


WHO: Fabian Prewett & Ione Meliflua
WHAT: The hard part of a solicitor's job is working with materials. Or at least the cold part.
WHEN: The night of May Day 1980
WHERE: Ness of Brodgar, Orkney

Who wants to do magic, when you can watch television? )

Feb. 27th, 2017


WHO: Fabian Prewett & Ione Meliflua
WHAT: Ione had a bad day at work
WHEN: Early 1980
WHERE: Fabian's flat
WARNINGS: Medical squick, blood

I could be a hermit. I'd be very good at it. )

Feb. 16th, 2017


WHO: The Prewett twins.
WHAT: Learning about the Muggle world firsthand.
WHEN: Late 1973.
WHERE: Muggle London.
WARNINGS: Minor violence.

Toffs like them come in twos. )

Jan. 31st, 2017


Week 2 Prompt IX: Elective - Duelling Club

WHO: Fabian Prewett and Bellatrix Black (Lestrange)
WHAT: Two duels
WHEN: Late fall 1968 / Late fall 1978
WHERE: Hogwarts / Tinworth
WARNINGS: Lethal violence, unforgivables, poor sportsmanship

You are not supposed to destroy the dueling arena as part of your duel. )

Jan. 10th, 2017


WHO: Fabian Prewett
WHAT: Aesthetics: Art

Paintings and Illustrations )

Dec. 24th, 2016



Nov. 27th, 2016


Week 3 Prompt II: Howler

WHO: Fabian Prewett and Ione Melliflua
WHAT: Disarming a howler & breakfast afterwards
WHEN: Early morning in late 1979
WHERE: Fabian's flat off Diagon Alley & moving on
WARNINGS: Mild language

YOU QUIT ThAt RiGht now! )

Nov. 15th, 2016


Week 4 Prompt II: No Dialog; & VII: A List

WHO: Fabian Prewett
WHAT: A note to his tailor (concept stolen shamelessly from Steven Brust)
WHEN: January 1978
WHERE: A home in the [location redacted] neighbourhood in suburban London
WARNINGS: Violence, language

I am sending by this owl several items that require repairs or replacement. )

Oct. 31st, 2016


Week 2, Prompt IV: Transfiguration

WHO: Fabian Prewett and his solicitor mentor, Athanasius Fletwock
WHAT: Demonstrating a trick or three
WHEN: Mid 1978
WHERE: Fletwock and Rumleigh offices, on Diagon Alley
WARNINGS: Mention of death (by implication).

Show me. )

Oct. 15th, 2016


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