Apr. 17th, 2017


WHO: Tina Bulstrode and Allegra Zabini
WHAT: Two bored witches take a deliberate wrong turn on a hospital tour
WHEN: 1980, after Allegra's return from abroad
WHERE: St Mungo's
WARNINGS: None significant

I can't say if I admire those who can sit through another speech about paint colors )

Feb. 25th, 2017


WHO: Allegra Zabini
WHAT: Aesthetics

at the end, all that's left of you are your possessions )

Jan. 16th, 2017


prompt: week 3-vii - words left unsaid

WHO: Allegra Zabini feat. Lorenzo Zabini (brother), Luca de Santis (husband no. 3)
WHAT: Sharing the news
WHEN: 1979
WHERE: Lake Como
WARNINGS: New money

But he is, she reflects, a gangster. )

Jan. 7th, 2017


WHO: Allegra Zabini
WHAT: Seven one-sentence drabbles for seven dead husbands
WHEN: 1970s - 1990s
WHERE: US & Europe
WARNINGS: The husbands are dead

💔 )

Dec. 24th, 2016



Nov. 13th, 2016


WHO: Allegra Zabini
WHAT: Aesthetic post - poetry & prose

you can't make homes out of human beings )

Nov. 3rd, 2016


week 2 prompt: potions

WHO: Allegra Zabini and her mother, Giulia
WHAT: Scheming about Husband #1
WHEN: 1967
WHERE: Giulia's rundown London flat
WARNINGS: Lucille Bluth-ism

It worked. I'm engaged. )