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[30 Oct 2008|04:59pm]
Besides [info]sappho_rpg, are there any other femslash games out there?
(x-posted to [info]slashsls)
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[30 Oct 2008|05:49pm]
I'd love some storylines for this girl (vanessa hudgens) I don't have anything in mind, so suggestions and stuff are welcomed.
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[30 Oct 2008|08:38pm]
would anyone be interested in a scene involving a "working girl" of some variety? either a stripper or a girl in a brothel. it has potential to become long-term if we click, but initially it would start out very smutty, lots of dirty talk, some roughness, etc. i'll play the guy or the girl. leave somewhere that i can get in touch with you!
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[30 Oct 2008|09:33pm]
I'm looking a slash or het psl, for my Matt Sanders. Will play a dom or a sub.
I prefer other musicians, but I will settle for some actors.
No Myspace sluts or scene kids.
Looking for mature writter who'll act out any scene and writes more than 2 lines.
Storylines are to discuss.

scattered shads is where you can find me.
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[30 Oct 2008|11:30pm]
Looking for a drama filled, smut filled line, anything is welcome, for my Justin Timberlake pb. Check the profile to get to know him a little better.

Would prefer only het right now. Any slash ideas you want filled, comment on [info]sexy_hooters.

Comment here if you're interested.
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[ viewing | October 30th, 2008 ]
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