Oct. 29th, 2012


WHO: Wade Savage and Ceridwen Cadwallader
WHAT: Wade’s flat gets invaded, and he really doesn’t mind.
WHEN: Monday, October 29, 1998
WHERE: Wade’s flat in Falmouth
SUMMARY: Ceridwen lands at Wade’s during the floo mix-up.
STATUS: Closed. Complete.

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Oct. 25th, 2012


WHO: Lennox Campbell & Open.
WHAT: Week 4 of the Quidditch League.
WHEN: Friday 26th October 1998 - after 7pm.
WHERE: At the Falcons v Kestrels game.
SUMMARY: Lennox ends up in St Mungo's.
RATINGS/WARNING: PG+ - serious injury
STATUS: Complete narrative, open to replies from game attendees.

The late October air was cold and bitter as it whipped Lennox’s face, the harshness of the breeze giving his skin wind burn. )

Oct. 19th, 2012


WHO: Wade Savage and Ceridwen Cadwallader
WHAT: Drinks.
WHEN: Friday evening, October 19th, 1998
WHERE: The King's Headless, Falmouth
SUMMARY: Meeting at a pub for some conversation, and maybe something more.
RATINGS/WARNING: PG13 (swearing!)
STATUS: Closed. In progress.

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