December 9th, 2012

[info]seducteur in [info]quiddproquo

WHO: Bethany Dunstan & Sean Connolly
WHAT: Lunch and letter writing
WHEN: Sunday 9 December, early afternoon
WHERE: At Donny's Diner
SUMMARY: Sean asked for help, and Bethany was very willing to provide it.
RATINGS/WARNING: Low, but TBD in case she gets away from me.
STATUS: Closed//Incomplete

So, if you ever want something/And you call, call/Then I'll come running )

[info]red_biker_chick in [info]quiddproquo

WHO: Sean and Jessica
WHAT: A talk and planning
WHEN: Sunday afternoon
WHERE: Jessica's house, Wales
SUMMARY: Two close friends get together to talk about a party, end up touching on more serious things.
RATINGS/WARNING: Low. J reins in her language around her Sean.
STATUS: Closed/in progress.

If you ever need me I'm here, I'll follow you into anything. If you ever need me I'll be there, I'll follow you into hell again. Yeah, you'll always be my brother, yeah, you'll always be my friend. )

[info]seeangiechase in [info]quiddproquo

WHO: Angelina Johnson & Logan Wood
WHAT: Alcohol.
WHEN: Saturday night.
WHERE: Angie's place.
SUMMARY: After this, TBD. (Terribly Baffling Discussion?) We shall see.
RATINGS/WARNING: As of now, language.
STATUS: In progress.

We're having scotch, boy! )

[info]missmegmack in [info]quiddproquo

Who: Meaghan McCormack and Charlie Weasley
What: A meetup after many years
Where: Honest Burger, London
When: Sunday evening
Rating: Low/SFW
Status: Closed, in progress

Old habits die hard/When you’ve got/When you’ve got a sentimental heart/Piece of the puzzle you’re my missing part/Oh, what can you do with a sentimental heart? )