October 26th, 2012

[info]quiddmods in [info]quiddproquo

Weekly Game Recap #4!

Hello QPQers, and welcome to the fourth Weekly Match Round Up! Once again, it was a fun time for all who were able to be present for the rolls. If you could not join us this time, we apologise! We are going to start getting on a weekend schedule this weekend, starting with doing week 5 rolls on Friday night for most of you lot in the US, Saturday morning for Jane and I. We'll let the chat know when we're starting, but if you're not in there, feel free to bug Jane about it ;) And me, you're always welcome to IM me too. <3 And Sarah, of course.

To that end, is you were unable to join us in the live roll, here is a link to the transcript (you will need to log in first to view it). The transcript stays up always so you can always check there to verify we're not making things up. It keeps every single week all in one document, so you'll need to scroll down to the bottom to find the most recent lot of results.

As a reminder, here is the link to the explanation of how we score the games. These scores reflect CP (character point) adjustments due to losses and in-game actions (Speak to Sarah if you'd like to know more about how that works or would like to let her know of something that needs to be taken into account).

Also, in order to spread out major injury, anyone who was sent to the hospital last week this week was only given a 4 sided dice, so the maximum injury was moderate but remained in game. Below are the scores, recap, and injuries for each game.

Spoilers be down here! )

You may discuss how your player played, IC or OOC below, or you may start your own thread/journal entry. When you do, please link to this thread and also drop a link to your journal/thread in the appropriate thread below. Thanks loves!!!

Also, if you are added before your game is played, we can roll for injuries for your player, just let us know!