October 12th, 2012

[info]viktoriouskrum in [info]quiddproquo

WHO: Viktor and Emlyn
WHAT: Physical therapy and reparations.
WHEN: Friday afternoon, the 12th of October, 1998.
WHERE: Caerphilly Catapult’s physio office.
SUMMARY: Viktor finally says something about ancient history.
STATUS: Complete.

A week into his physical therapy with Emlyn, and Viktor had yet to say a word. )

[info]aidan_lynch in [info]quiddproquo

I want a scar that looks just like you

WHO: Aidan and Trása
WHAT: Trása has feels about Aidan's behaviour.
WHEN: After the Kestrels/Catapults game on Saturday night, the 6th of October, 1998. [Match Results]
WHERE: Aidan's house, Dublin
SUMMARY: Trása comes over to yell at Aidan but it doesn't quite go to plan.
STATUS: Complete

Till then I've gotta learn to be a wiser fool )

[info]older_lynch in [info]quiddproquo

Who: Eddie and Connor
What: Connor is determined to give Eddie a nice day after their fight
Where: Begin at her flat in Hogsmeade-then the Tate Modern and beyond!
When: Friday night
Rating: TBD, some language
Status: closed; in progress

He could show her how sorry he was for being a total and complete arse. )

[info]touched_the_sky in [info]quiddproquo

WHO: Angus and Ashanti
WHAT: Awkwardness!
WHEN: Friday evening
WHERE: Diagon Alley soup kitchen
SUMMARY: These two find themselves in public and unable to escape from interacting. Hilarity ensues.
RATINGS/WARNING: We'll call it low for now, but who knows where it'll end up. These two aren't exactly good at staying PG. NSFW
STATUS: Closed, in progress

Will you lend a caring hand to shelter those who need it? Only have to sign your name, don’t even have to read it. Would you help… No? How about you? )